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Условный диалог - расспрос с опорой на вербальную ситуацию и фотографию 10 класс

Avoid asking the following questionsWhat about.....?Could you tell me about.......?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Task 2
условный диалог-расспрос с опорой на вербальную ситуацию и фотографию


5 баллов

Task 2условный диалог-расспрос с опорой на вербальную ситуацию и фотографию (картинку)‏5 баллов

Слайд 2Avoid asking the following questions
What about.....?
Could you tell me about.......?

Avoid asking the following questionsWhat about.....?Could you tell me about.......?

Слайд 3Task 2 Study the advertisement. You are considering buying some flowers

and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5

minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: You are considering buying some flowers and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

2) opening hours
3) kinds of flowers in stock
4) if they sell pot plants
5) discounts for big orders

Task 2 Study the advertisement. You are considering buying some flowers and now you’d like to get

Слайд 4location
Where is it located?
2) opening hours
3) kinds of

flowers in stock
What kind of flowers are there in

4) if they sell pot plants
Do you sell pot plants?
5) discounts for big orders
Are there any discounts for big orders?
location Where is it located?2) opening hours 3) kinds of flowers in stock What kind of flowers

Слайд 61. What are the departure dates? 
what dates do you have flights to

Japan on?
2. How long does the flight last? What’s the flying time?
3. How much does the return ticket cost?

(How much is the return ticket?)  

5. Can I get the ticket online? 
Can I buy the ticket online? 
Сan the ticket be bought online?

4. Do you have any discounts for students? 
Have you got any discounts for students? 
Are there any discounts for students? 
Do students get any discounts?

1. What are the departure dates? what dates do you have flights to Japan on?2. How long does the flight last? What’s the flying time?3. How much does the

Слайд 7You are going to study abroad for three months and

would like to go in for diving.
location of the

swimming pool
price for a beginner course
duration of the course
necessary gear
discounts for students
You are going to study abroad for three months and would like to go in for diving.

Слайд 8You are taking a language course in Scotland. You want

to visit an ancient castle with a group of Russian

friends. You have just found an advertisement to join a local horse-riding club. Find out:
opening hours
an excursion for today availability
a Russian speaking guide availability
ticket price
discounts for a group
You are taking a language course in Scotland. You want to visit an ancient castle with a

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