Разделы презентаций


I was afraid to wake up at nights and to see a figure with canines in front of myself.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Vampires:
are they real or
are they some myth from

the past?
by Kristina Kolocheva 8 B
and O.N. Knyazeva, teacher

of English
Vampires: are they real or are they some myth from the past?by Kristina Kolocheva 8 B and

Слайд 4I was afraid to wake up at nights and to

see a figure with canines in front of myself.

I was afraid to wake up at nights and to see a figure with canines in front

Слайд 10Are vampires the same nowadays?

Are vampires the same nowadays?

Слайд 11Do vampires exist? Are they real or are they some

myth from the past?

Do vampires exist? Are they real or are they some myth from the past?

Слайд 12 Vampires don’t exist in the form made so popular by

Hollywood.  Those terrible vampires are purely a work of fiction. 

These ones are some myth from the past.
Vampires don’t exist in the form made so popular by Hollywood.  Those terrible vampires are

Слайд 13Real vampires are
people like you and I!

Real vampires are people like you and I!

Слайд 14The most popular type of real vampires is energetic.

The most popular type of real vampires is energetic.

Слайд 15What is your attitude to vampires?

What is your attitude to vampires?

Слайд 16Do you believe in vampires?

Do you believe in vampires?

Слайд 17Would you like to become a vampire?

Would you like to become a vampire?

Слайд 18I’m not afraid of vampires any more!

I’m not afraid of vampires any more!

Слайд 19for your attention!

for your attention!

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