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Answer the Questions:Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain situated? Where did the people of the U.K. come from?What’s Union Jack?What’s the population of the U.K.?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 The 12th of February The theme: The United Kingdom of Great


The 12th of February   The theme: The United Kingdom of

Слайд 2Answer the Questions:
Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain

Where did the people of the U.K. come from?

Union Jack?
What’s the population of the U.K.?
Answer the Questions:Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain situated? Where did the people of the

Слайд 3Presentation of the new words
Remain [rɪˈmeɪn] остава́ться
Considerable [kən’sɪdərəbl] значи́тельный

Expansion [ɪk’spænſ(ə)n] расшире́ние
Extend [ɪk’stend] протя́гивать
Eventually [ɪˈventjʊəlɪ] со вре́менем;

Emerge [ɪˈmə:dʒ] возника́ть
Subjugate [’sʌbdʒʊɡeɪt] покоря́ть
Infant [’ɪnf(ə)nt] младе́нец
Presentation of the new wordsRemain [rɪˈmeɪn] остава́ться Considerable [kən’sɪdərəbl] значи́тельный Expansion [ɪk’spænſ(ə)n] расшире́ние Extend [ɪk’stend] протя́гивать Eventually

Слайд 4Answer the questions:
What do you know about Great Britain?

many people live here?
What’s the capital city?
What are the names

of other famous cities?
Who is the head of Great Britain?
Who live in 10 Downing Street?
Answer the questions: What do you know about Great Britain?How many people live here?What’s the capital city?What

Слайд 5Ex 3 Match the words with the translation

Вариант frequent
Ни́зменность although
Часто variation
Сезонный settle
Располагаться seasonal
Цикл cycle
Вера belief
Ex 3 Match the words with the translation Хотя

Слайд 6Ex 3 True, False or Don’t Know
Britain is a unitary

England is a lowland country.
Wales is a country of hills

and mountains.
The climate of Britain is changeable.
The constituent countries share the same culture and national identities.
The British Parliament is the oldest in the world.
Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
The Angles, Saxons and Jutes are Germanic Tribes.

Ex 3 True, False or Don’t KnowBritain is a unitary state.England is a lowland country.Wales is a

Слайд 7Great Britain
England _______
Northern Ireland__
Scotland ____
Eire ____

Great Britain England _______Northern Ireland__Wales______Scotland ____Eire ____

Слайд 8Match a word A with a synonym B
Live in

Land in frequent
Finish complete
Keep, preserve go on
Continue inhabit
Admit retain
A baby agree
Repeated an infant

Match a word A with a synonym BLive in

Слайд 9Home task:
Ex 9 p 111 answer the questions
Ex10 p 111

Project work

Home task:Ex 9 p 111 answer the questionsEx10 p 111 Project work

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