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Викторина "Много ли ты знаешь о Великобритании?"

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Слайд 2Great Britain

Great Britain

Слайд 3 Question 1

What is the name of the national anthem of

Great Britain?

God Save The Queen
Question 1  What is the name of the national

Слайд 4 Question 2

Look at the pictures and say:

What is the name

of the king?
What is he known for?
What building is it?
Question 2  Look at the pictures and say:What

Слайд 5 Question 3

Great London Fire took place in 1666. The

city was destroyed because all the houses were made of wood.
After the fire new houses were built of bricks and stones, churches were rebuilt. The new streets were straight and clean.

Which famous architect took part in the rebuilding of the city?
Question 3   Great London Fire took place

Слайд 6 Sir Christopher Wren

Sir Christopher Wren

Слайд 7 QUESTION 4

One Englishman lost his job one day, besides his wife

left him and he quarreled with his friends. He became very angry and wanted to tell somebody about it. He found a small group of people in a London park and told them many disgusting things about his life, his friends, his family, the Queen and the country and the whole world.

Why was he not arrested by the police?
QUESTION 4  One Englishman lost his job one day,

Слайд 8 HYDE



Слайд 10

Because he spoke at the Speaker’s Corner.

Because he spoke at the Speaker’s Corner.

Слайд 11 Question 5


is a wonderful English proverb in which this word is

repeated three times.

If at first you don’t succeed , …, …, … again.

Question 5   There is a wonderful English proverb in which

Слайд 12 Question 6

Many sayings are connected with the development of

science, industry, history, culture. Such sayings exist in many languages.

Can you explain the meaning of the saying “to carry
coal to Newcastle” and give the Russian equivalent?

Question 6   Many sayings are connected with

Слайд 13 Question 7

What is in the box? This is a picture

of a plant which is not beloved by many people but at the same time it is the national symbol of one of the countries because in ancient times it saved the lives of its defenders.


Question 7  What is in the box? This

Слайд 14


national symbol of Scotland is a thistle. It is the

symbol of defence.
The national symbol of Scotland is a thistle. It

Слайд 15 Question 8

There are

three workers, they have got a brother named John. But

John has no brothers.

What can you say about this?

He has got three sisters.
Question 8  There are three workers, they have got a brother

Слайд 16 Question 9

He is

a legendary hero. But many scientists believe he really lived.

He was noble, strong and friendly to poor people. They often met this man not far from Nottingham.

What is the man’s name and where did he live?
Question 9  He is a legendary hero. But many scientists believe

Слайд 17 His name was Robin Hood and he lived in


His name was Robin Hood and he lived in Sherwood.

Слайд 18 Sherwood


Слайд 19 Question 10

What is in the


This thing lies on the chair of the

Lord Chancellor. Inside this thing there is something which made England a rich country.


Question 10What is in the box?  This thing lies on the

Слайд 20

The Lord Chancellor sits on

a woolsack covered with red cloth.

The Lord Chancellor sits on a woolsack covered with red cloth.

Слайд 21 Question 11

This lake is visited be scientists and tourists

from many countries. Many businessmen became rich by building hotels and restaurants near it.

Why are people so interested in visiting the place?
What do they hope to see there?

Question 11     This lake is visited be

Слайд 23 People hope to see Loch

Ness Monster

People hope to see Loch Ness Monster

Слайд 24 Question 12

Which proverb is better to use in the situation?

I caught the train by the skin of my teeth but I had to stand all the way to Birmingham. And there was Bill enjoying himself in a corner seat. He smiled and said to me…
The early bird catches the worm.
Question 12  Which proverb is better to use in

Слайд 25 Question 13

There is

a town not far from London. The name of the

town is known in the whole world. There is a building famous in the whole world. There is a clock in the building which sets time for all the clocks in the world.

Name the town and the building.
Question 13  There is a town not far from London. The

Слайд 26 The Greenwich.

The Greenwich.

Слайд 27 Greenwich Observatory

Greenwich Observatory

Слайд 28 QUESTION 14

turn a blind eye to something

If you

turn a blind eye to something you ignore it intentionally.
QUESTION 14  turn a blind eye to something

Слайд 29 QUESTION 15

the apple of your eye


means that you like it very much.
QUESTION 15   the apple of your eye



Where can we see the tombs of British

kings, queens, writers, politicians and other famous people?

In the Westminster Abbey
QUESTION 16  Where can we see the

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