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How to save the Earth

I hope all these text and pictures will teach you how to deal with the Earth. We hope that you will understand how people affect the planet. Most often we hurt

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Слайд 1How to save the Earth.
School №1 8 «V» class Evteeva Elizaveta Russavskaya

Daria Julia Pronina Krutskikh Anastasia

How to save the Earth.School №1 8 «V» class  Evteeva Elizaveta Russavskaya Daria  Julia Pronina

Слайд 2I hope all these text and pictures will teach you

how to deal with the Earth. We hope that you will

understand how people affect the planet. Most often we hurt the planet on which we live. We pollute everything they can, and almost do not notice it. But it's time to think about what will happen with the world and with us through the years 10,20,30? Our world can not survive without enough oxygen, but we cut down the forest, and not only we suffer because of it, disappear different kinds of animals and birds. Industrial companies dumped tons of waste into water, this water is not only dangerous to drink, but also just to swim in it. Our supplies are limited. We hope for your understanding.
I hope all these text and pictures will teach you how to deal with the Earth. We

Слайд 3Every year, per inhabitant of the Earth accounts for more

than 20 tons of waste. The main objects of pollution

are the atmosphere, bodies of water, including the oceans, soil. Daily into the atmosphere thousands of tons of carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, sulfur and other harmful substances. Only 10% of this amount is absorbed by plants. sulfur oxide (sulfur dioxide) - the main pollutants, which are a source of thermal power plants, boilers, metallurgical plants.
Every year, per inhabitant of the Earth accounts for more than 20 tons of waste. The main

Слайд 4The concentration of sulfur dioxide in nitrogen oxides, produces acid

rain, which destroy crops, vegetation, adversely affect the state of

fish stocks. Along with sulfur dioxide a negative impact on the atmosphere has a carbon dioxide that is formed by combustion. His sources - thermal power plants, steel mills, transport

The concentration of sulfur dioxide in nitrogen oxides, produces acid rain, which destroy crops, vegetation, adversely affect

Слайд 5... The best gift that you can bring to humanity

- is to improve yourself, to become better people and

improve the space around us will be a gift for others, do better than those who will be there .... Our idea - it is a living energy. The idea builds all. And we can by thinking regenerate themselves and others. Therefore, we strive to always guide our thinking on the good, the beautiful ... Amazing human happiness - see the cosmos, explore, measure it - for a person becoming a daily reality ... But if we never see the end of the Infinite, all the same it will always guide us, to inspire, to expand our knowledge and consciousness, call for Beauty. Plato said that the beautiful images we go to beautiful thoughts, thoughts of the beautiful - to beautiful life, but from the good life - to the absolute beauty. "
... The best gift that you can bring to humanity - is to improve yourself, to become



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