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Lecture 7. Social philosophy

The main issues of the lecture:1. The subject and functions of social philosophy. The concept of "society".2. The structure of society.

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Слайд 1Lecture 7. Social philosophy

Lecture 7.  Social philosophy

Слайд 2The main issues of the lecture:
1. The subject and functions

of social philosophy. The concept of "society".
2. The structure of


The main issues of the lecture:1. The subject and functions of social philosophy. The concept of

Слайд 3Social philosophy is a section of philosophy that studies social

life and social processes. The term social is widely used

in literature and science in different senses. Using the term “social” in social philosophy, we exclude natural phenomena, as well as individual, personal phenomena.
That is, social phenomena are always social phenomena, including various aspects of public life: economic, political, spiritual in their multilateral interaction. And social action is always the result of the interaction of a number of social factors.
Social philosophy is a section of philosophy that studies social life and social processes. The term social

Слайд 4The main subject of social action and social relations is

a social group (social community) or society as a whole.

Society itself is an extremely complex system of all known in science.
Society (in the broad sense of the word) is
1) the totality of all types of interaction and forms of association of people that have developed historically;
2) (in the narrow sense) is a historically specific type of social system, a certain form of social relations.
The main subject of social action and social relations is a social group (social community) or society

Слайд 5The American sociologist E. Shilz identifies the following criteria of

It is not part of a larger system;
Marriages are between

representatives of this association;
It is replenished mainly at the expense of the children of those people who are already its recognized representatives;
An association has a territory that it considers its own;
Society has its own name and its own history;
It has its own control system;
Association exists longer than the average life expectancy of an individual;
It is united by a common system of values ​​(customs, traditions, norms, laws, rules), which is called culture.

The American sociologist E. Shilz identifies  the following criteria of society:It is not part of a

Слайд 6Social life for centuries remained the object of interest of

scientists and philosophers. The task of science is to investigate

the structure of society, to identify in the historical process recurring universal properties, parties, trends, patterns.
Unlike concrete sciences, philosophy explores the universal in the historical process, reveals the fundamental foundations of social life, its system-forming factors, develops methodological foundations and the categorical apparatus of the social sciences.
Social life for centuries remained the object of interest of scientists and philosophers. The task of science

Слайд 7In the history of philosophy, there were many schools and

trends that explained the nature of society and its evolution

in different ways:
Aristotle called man “a political animal,” meaning that only people can voluntarily and consciously unite in society.
In the Middle Ages, divine Providence was considered the main historical force.
Hegel viewed history as the progress of the absolute spirit, believing that the course of history is "reasonable".
In the history of philosophy, there were many schools and trends that explained the nature of society

Слайд 8Marx and Engels developed a theory about society as a

self-developing system, in which the main role is assigned to

the economic sphere. History was viewed by Marx as a process of the generation of communism, a society of universal equality. All the preceding communism socio-economic formations Marx called "prehistory" and only communism - the true story.
Herbert Spencer described society as a union of individuals.

Marx and Engels developed a theory about society as a self-developing system, in which the main role

Слайд 92. The structure of society.
Modern society is a historically specific,

holistic and sustainable education, which has internal mechanisms of reproduction,

self-government and self-organization. The integrity of society is ensured by social production.
Social production is a joint activity of people aimed at the production, maintenance and reproduction of their life. Social production is a multifaceted and collective process that includes all the necessary components of social life.
2. The structure of society.Modern society is a historically specific, holistic and sustainable education, which has internal

Слайд 10Social production includes:
The reproduction of people themselves as public individuals;

Material production (creation of material conditions for the preservation and

maintenance of their lives;
Spiritual production (production of ideas, knowledge, spiritual values),
Production of social connections and relationships, ensuring consistency of human activity, integrity and organization of society.
Social production includes:The reproduction of people themselves as public individuals; Material production (creation of material conditions for

Слайд 11Complication of social life is accompanied by increased differentiation of

society and division of labor. As a result, the most

important specific subsystems of society are formed, each of which performs functions that are necessary for the entire social organism. The most important subsystems of society:

Complication of social life is accompanied by increased differentiation of society and division of labor. As a

Слайд 121) The economic subsystem is a set of forms of

industrial activity and relations of people in this process. The

most important factors of production are workers, their labor and means of production - objects and means of labor. The totality of the material and technical means of production and people capable of putting them into action make up the productive forces of society.
1) The economic subsystem is a set of forms of industrial activity and relations of people in

Слайд 13In the production process, there are diverse relationships between people:

organizational-economic, industrial-technological, and socio-economic.
Industrial-technological relations largely depend on the nature

and level of development of technology and production technology. Organizational-economic relations and socio-economic relations depend on the forms of ownership of the means of production.
In the production process, there are diverse relationships between people: organizational-economic, industrial-technological, and socio-economic.Industrial-technological relations largely depend

Слайд 14Socio-economic relations include relations arising in the process of production,

exchange, distribution and consumption of goods and services created in

the production process. The whole system of these relations is governed by social norms and norms of law and depends on the nature of ownership of the means of social production.

Socio-economic relations include relations arising in the process of production, exchange, distribution and consumption of goods and

Слайд 15Property is an institution that arises in the business, economic

sphere. It applies not only to the means of production,

but also to commodities and the goods manufactured.
All elements of social wealth can be property: labor, means of production, land and its subsoil, products of material production, spiritual, creative and other intellectual activities.
Property is an institution that arises in the business, economic sphere. It applies not only to the

Слайд 16Property determines who has economic power, who gets the income

from economic activity. Forms of ownership depend on the degree

of real socialization of production, which, in turn, is influenced by technological progress.
2) The spiritual subsystem is the result of spiritual activity of people. A significant role in this process belongs to the professional spiritual activity of people, artists, journalists, ideologists of various parties and movements, etc.
Property determines who has economic power, who gets the income from economic activity. Forms of ownership depend

Слайд 17The emergence of the spiritual subsystem of society due to

the diverse social and personal spiritual needs: cognitive, moral, aesthetic,

religious. The satisfaction of these needs presupposes the availability of diverse means of information and communication, which also constitute one of the most important spiritual needs of the individual and society.

The emergence of the spiritual subsystem of society due to the diverse social and personal spiritual needs:

Слайд 18Communication is a type of spiritual communication, involving the exchange

of ideas, attitudes, and evaluations.
A special area of ​​spiritual

production is the upbringing and education of a person, which is carried out through the educational system, as well as family, friends and acquaintances, government agencies, law enforcement agencies and the media.
The central link of the spiritual subsystem is the public consciousness.
Communication is a type of spiritual communication, involving the exchange of ideas, attitudes, and evaluations. A special

Слайд 193) Social subsystem. The social structure of any society in

a certain period of its history is characterized by a

set of concrete historical social communities and groups, the relations between them and the special institutions and institutions governing these relations.
The most important element of the social structure is social communities and groups. These are associations of people with such common features as common needs and interests, values ​​and norms, lifestyle, place in the social division of labor and the associated division of role.
3) Social subsystem. The social structure of any society in a certain period of its history is

Слайд 20There are large and small social communities and groups.

small group is characterized by the proximity of group members,

the strength of ties, direct personal contacts, informal relations, common values ​​and rules of behavior (family, work collective).
Large social groups arise historically - class, ethnic, territorial, socio-political and others.
There are large and small social communities and groups. The small group is characterized by the proximity

Слайд 21Political subsystem. The existence of social communities and groups with

opposing interests arising from the fundamental differences in their objective

situation is the cause of the emergence of political relations between them. And the need to harmonize these relations determines the structure and functions of the political system of society.
A political system is an aggregate of state and political organizations and institutions that regulate political relations in society.
Political subsystem. The existence of social communities and groups with opposing interests arising from the fundamental differences

Слайд 22The central element of the political system is the state,

which performs its function of regulating political relations in society

by applying legitimate and legalized coercion to citizens.
The main features of the state are:
1) public authority,
2) sovereignty, i.e. completeness of the supreme power in the territory of their country and independence in terms of foreign policy,
The central element of the political system is the state, which performs its function of regulating political

Слайд 233) the territory where laws and powers of authority are

4) the exclusive right to issue laws and regulations

that are binding on the entire population and the right to legally use force against citizens, violate the laws.
5) The right to collect taxes from the population for the maintenance of the state apparatus.
3) the territory where laws and powers of authority are extended, 4) the exclusive right to issue

Слайд 24The form of the state is determined by the form

of government . The form of government differ monarchy and

the republic.
The monarchy is distinguished by the following features: firstly, power belongs to one person, secondly, power is inherited.
The form of the state is determined by the form of government . The form of government

Слайд 25The main feature of the republic is that the source

of power is the people, since the highest organs of

the state are elected by the people. There are parliamentary, presidential and mixed republics.

By the form of government distinguishes between unitary and federal states. A unitary state is a single, politically homogeneous state, the administrative units of which do not have their own statehood.

The main feature of the republic is that the source of power is the people, since the

Слайд 26A federation is a union of political subjects (lands, subjects

of the federation) that have their own constitutions, legislative, executive

and judicial bodies. Their independence is limited by the limits determined by the distribution of competences between the center and the constituent entities of the federation.
The confederation is a permanent union of independent states for the realization of specific joint goals.
A federation is a union of political subjects (lands, subjects of the federation) that have their own

Слайд 27Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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