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Subject: where would I like to go

I would like to go to Russia or European countries , because I think that life is quiet there and there is more space for sportsI want to go to a

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Слайд 1Subject: where would I like to go

Subject: where would I like to go

Слайд 2I would like to go to Russia or European countries

, because I think that life is quiet there and

there is more space for sports
I want to go to a country where sports are more developed
I would like to go to Russia or European countries , because I think that life is

Слайд 3I also want to go to Switzerland , where there

is peace and harmony, where you can get rich and

find your career
Switzerland is famous for its security and good people , it seems to me that you can find something in it that is not present in many other countries
I also want to go to Switzerland , where there is peace and harmony, where you can

Слайд 4I would also like to travel around my country Kazakhstan,

visit many cities , I am a little interested in

the history of my country and I would like to learn a lot of interesting things
Kazakhstan is also famous for its athletes and I would like to take their place
I would also like to travel around my country Kazakhstan, visit many cities , I am a

Слайд 5Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attention

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