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Temperature curves

Fever is an elevation of body temperature mediated by an increase of the hypothalamic heat regulatory set-point.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Temperature curves

Temperature curves

Слайд 2Fever is an elevation of body temperature mediated by an

increase of the hypothalamic heat regulatory set-point.

Fever is an elevation of body temperature mediated by an increase of the hypothalamic heat regulatory set-point.

Слайд 11Temperature curves - graphic representation of the temperature fluctuations during

the daily measurement.
Temperature curves give a clear picture of

the nature of fever (see)have often significant diagnostic and prognostic value.
Temperature curves - graphic representation of the temperature fluctuations during the daily measurement. Temperature curves give a

Слайд 121. At constant fever (febris continua) body temperature is usually

high, within 39C, held for a few days or weeks

with fluctuations within 1 degree. Occurs in acute infectious diseases: typhoid fever, lobar pneumonia, and other (Fig. 1).
1. At constant fever (febris continua) body temperature is usually high, within 39C, held for a few

Слайд 132. Laxative, or relapsing fever (febris remittens) is characterized by

significant daily fluctuations in body temperature (up to 2 degrees

or more), found at purulent diseases (Fig. 2).
2. Laxative, or relapsing fever (febris remittens) is characterized by significant daily fluctuations in body temperature (up

Слайд 143. Intermittent, or intermittently, fever (febris intermittens) is characterized by

sharp rise of body temperature up to 39-40 degrees and

more and recession in the short term to normal and even subnormal numbers; in 1-2-3 day the same rise and fall again. Typical for malaria (Fig. 3).
3. Intermittent, or intermittently, fever (febris intermittens) is characterized by sharp rise of body temperature up to

Слайд 154. Hectic, or debilitating, fever (febris hectica) characterized by large

daily fluctuations of temperature of the body (more than 3

degrees) and a sharp drop it to normal and subnormal numbers, and fluctuations of temperature greater than that with relapsing fever; observed in septic conditions and severe forms of TB (Fig. 4).
4. Hectic, or debilitating, fever (febris hectica) characterized by large daily fluctuations of temperature of the body

Слайд 165. Recurrent fever (febris recurrens). The body temperature rises up

to high numbers, rests on these values few days, then

decreases to normal. Some time later the fever comes back again followed by remission (febrile seizures may occur, 4-5). This type of fever typical of some of spirochetosis (relapsing fever and other) (Fig. 5).
5. Recurrent fever (febris recurrens). The body temperature rises up to high numbers, rests on these values

Слайд 176. Undulating fever (febris undulans). Gradual day-to-day temperature increase with

a similar reduction nature. There may be several waves of

raising and lowering the temperature differs from recurrent fever gradual increase and losing temperature. Occurs when brucellosis and other diseases (Fig. 6).
6. Undulating fever (febris undulans). Gradual day-to-day temperature increase with a similar reduction nature. There may be

Слайд 187. Twisted fever (febris in versa). Morning temperatures above the

evening, meets with tuberculosis, protracted sepsis, prognostically unfavorable. 8. Irregular fever

occurs most often. Daily fluctuations of body temperature varied, the duration is not determined. Observed at rheumatism, pneumonia, dysentery, influenza (Fig. 7).
7. Twisted fever (febris in versa). Morning temperatures above the evening, meets with tuberculosis, protracted sepsis, prognostically

Слайд 198. Febris irregularis (irregular fever) is one of the most

common types of fever. The temperature curve shows various irregular

fluctuations without any regularity. Occurs in flu, other acute viral respiratory infections, bronchopneumonia, collagenosis, sepsis, acute intestinal infections, etc.
8. Febris irregularis (irregular fever) is one of the most common types of fever. The temperature curve

Слайд 20There are 3 periods of fever.
1. The initial period, or

a stage of rise of temperature (stadium incrementi). Depending on

the nature of the disease, this period may be very short and measured in hours, usually accompanied by fever (for example, malaria, lobar pneumonia), or stretch out on a long term of up to several days (for example, typhoid fever).
2. Stage height of fever (fastigium or acme). Lasts from several hours to several days.
There are 3 periods of fever. 1. The initial period, or a stage of rise of temperature

Слайд 213. Stage of temperature reduction. The rapid drop in temperature

is called the crisis (malaria, lobar pneumonia, typhus; Fig. 8);

gradual decrease called lysis (typhoid and others; Fig. 9).
3. Stage of temperature reduction. The rapid drop in temperature is called the crisis (malaria, lobar pneumonia,

Слайд 22Temperature sheet is a medical document, intended for graphics Desk

daily fluctuations of temperature of the body sick. On the vertical

scale temperature curves indicated figures body temperature from 35 to 41 degrees; on horizontal - date and time of measurement.

Putting points daily thermometer against relevant designations and connecting them, get a polygonal line, called the temperature curve .

Filling temperature curve is the number of paramedical workers daily after measuring sick temperature in the morning and evening.
Temperature sheet is a medical document, intended for graphics Desk daily fluctuations of temperature of the body

Слайд 23In addition to body temperature, the temperature curves includes the

results of some other observations over the course of the

disease: the respiratory rate and pulse rate, blood pressure, and the amount consumed and the selected fluid and so on, as well as information on measures taken for the care and treatment of patients (hygienic bath, change of linen, special procedures)
In addition to body temperature, the temperature curves includes the results of some other observations over the

Слайд 24On a standard temperature of the page (Fig) indicators pulse,

respiration, and blood pressure is celebrated against the corresponding symbols

on the left of the vertical scale,
other indicators - in the lower part of the temperature of a sheet under the temperature curve
On a standard temperature of the page (Fig) indicators pulse, respiration, and blood pressure is celebrated against

Слайд 25In some specialized medical institutions use forms temperature sheet that

differ from those in the General somatic hospitals;
in such

temperature sheets to reflect more of the indicators.
Temperature worksheet is stored in the history of the disease.
In some specialized medical institutions use forms temperature sheet that differ from those in the General somatic

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