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Writing а personal letter

Структура письма

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Writing
а personal letter

Writing а personal letter

Слайд 2 Структура письма

Структура письма

Слайд 3Адрес : город


20 September,

Адрес : город        странаДатаLipetskRussia

Слайд 4 Обращение: Dear + имя
Dear Laura,
Hi Tania,
Hello Bill,

Запятая обязательна

Обращение:  Dear + имяDear Laura,Hi Tania,Hello Bill,Запятая обязательна!

Слайд 5 Первое предложение: короткое предложение, обращённое к адресату БЛАГОДАРНОСТЬ
Thanks for your letter. –

Спасибо тебе за твое письмо.

I am (was) glad to get

(your letter)it. – Я (был) рад получить твое письмо.

I am (was) happy to receive your letter. - – Я (был) рад получить твое письмо.
I haven’t heard from you for ages. – Очень давно о тебе не слышал.

I’m happy to learn news from you.- Я рад узнать новости от тебя.

Первое предложение: короткое предложение,  обращённое к адресату БЛАГОДАРНОСТЬ  Thanks for your letter. – Спасибо

Слайд 6Извинения:
Sorry, I haven’t written for so long because I (was

really busy).
Sorry, it’s been so long since I wrote.
I haven’t

written sooner as I was busy at school.
Sorry, I couldn’t answer at once. I’ve been really busy because …

Извинения:Sorry, I haven’t written for so long because I (was really busy).Sorry, it’s been so long since

Слайд 7Ответы на вопросы:
In your letter you ask(ed) me about …

ask(ed) me about/ how/what ….
(In your letter) You took a

deep interest in
First of all, let me tell you about ….
In your letter you want to know about …
I’ve had to think much over your questions about …
It was good to get your letter, where you wrote about …
Ответы на вопросы:In your letter you ask(ed) me about …You ask(ed) me about/ how/what ….(In your letter)

Слайд 8Помни о времени, в котором происходит действие!
Один абзац содержит информацию

по одному вопросу
Содержание письма (смысловые абзацы)
I’m glad to hear from

you. Thanks for your letter. How are you getting on?

I’m having a great time here in London. We are staying at a nice hotel.

I have a lot of things to do. Yesterday we visited the Tower of London and walked along the streets.

Tomorrow we are going to the Covent Garden where I hope I’ll buy some presents for you. On Saturday we are going to a party near Wimbledon. I think it will be great!

Черты неофициального стиля: краткие формы, восклицания

Помни о времени, в котором происходит действие!Один абзац содержит информацию по одному вопросуСодержание письма  (смысловые абзацы)I’m

Слайд 9Выражение надежды на следующее письмо:
Sorry, I have to stop to

help my …
Well, I must fly now. I’ve got so

much homework to do tonight.
Sorry, it’s time to do my homework

Выражение надежды на следующее письмо:Sorry, I have to stop to help my …Well, I must fly now.

Слайд 10Второе предложение на надежду
Keep in touch!
Write back soon!
Drop me

a line when you are free.
I’m looking forward to your

I hope to hear from you soon!
Второе предложение на надежду Keep in touch!Write back soon!Drop me a line when you are free.I’m looking

Слайд 12Заключение: приветы другим людям, подпись – ваше имя
All the best,

With love from,

Заключение: приветы другим людям, подпись – ваше имяAll the best, Love, Best wishes, With love from,

Слайд 13Best wishes,
All the best,
Подпись: пишите имя

Best wishes,All the best,AnnaПодпись: пишите имя

Слайд 14Образец письма
Dear Sally,
Thank you for your letter. I was

glad to hear news from you.
In your letter you

asked me about my summer holidays. Well, last summer my family and I were in Sochi. We were there 10 days. We stayed at a nice hotel.
The weather was hot and sunny. We went to the sea, swam and played games.
In the morning we had breakfast. After it, I walked a lot and read books. In the afternoon we visited a lot of interesting places. Then we had lunch in a café. We ate tasty food. In the evening we danced and listened to music on the beach. At 10 o’clock we went to bed. I enjoyed it very much.
Sorry, I have to stop, mum is waiting for me.
Best wishes,
Образец письмаDear Sally, Thank you for your letter. I was glad to hear news from you. In

Слайд 15Слова-связки


Слайд 16Необходимая лексика
Go abroad/to the country
Visit relatives/ lots of places
Go to

See lots of nice flowers
Eat tasty food in a cafe

breakfast/lunch/ dinner
Buy(bought) presents
Swim (swam) in the sea
Meet friends
Play games
Go by bus/car/ plain/train
Be happy
Enjoy summer holidays
The weather .. Nice/warm/hot/ pleasant/ wonderful
Sleep a lot
Watch TV
Stay at a nice hotel
Do a lot of things as …
Drink juice
Useful/ comfortable

Необходимая лексикаGo abroad/to the countryVisit relatives/ lots of placesGo to museumsSee lots of nice flowersEat tasty food

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