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70 years of victory day

On the 9th of May of 2015 it is 70 years from the Victory in the Creat Patriotic war . The war lasted four years: from the 22

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Shlyapnikova Anna 6v class

Shlyapnikova Anna 6v class

Слайд 2 On the 9th of May of 2015

it is 70 years from the Victory in the Creat

Patriotic war . The war lasted four years: from the 22 of June 1941 till the 9th of May 1945.

70 years of Victory day

On the 9th of May of  2015 it is 70 years from the Victory

Слайд 3In honair of 70 years from the Great Victory.

bushes will be planted in many cities.
« Lilac bush

of Victory»
In honair of  70 years from the Great Victory.Lilac bushes will be planted in many cities.

Слайд 4The symbol of Victory is a lilac bush its

flowers commemarate the tragic events of the war.
The symbol of

The symbol of Victory  is a lilac bush its flowers commemarate the tragic events of the

Слайд 5We plant lilac bush in many cities and say:
Thank you

for the peace!

We plant lilac bush in many cities and say:Thank you for the peace!

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