Разделы презентаций

"A part time job"

New wordshave part-time jobearnsellget marriedvote work as …deliver newspaperexciting

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1I almost fly inside the spaceship I like cooking a meal I

mend cars and earn my living I know the low of

our counry I work in hospital I teach students I have the most modern plane
I almost fly inside the spaceship I like cooking a meal I mend cars and earn my

Слайд 2New words
have part-time job
get married
work as …
deliver newspaper

New wordshave part-time jobearnsellget marriedvote work as …deliver newspaperexciting

Слайд 3 At what age can you ...
drive a car?
buy alcohol?
get married?

a part-time job?

At what age can you ...vote?drive a car?buy alcohol?get married?get a part-time job?

Слайд 5
Which of these things do you think
are most important

in a job?
getting good pay having interesting work being responsible contacting people working with

nice people having good health being hardworking getting job satisfaction having good holydays travelling short working hours
Which of these things do you think are most important in a job?getting good pay having

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