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Advantages and disadvantages of computer

With the computer technology developing quickly and increasing growth of the people’s living level, various technologic products are coming into our lives including computer that has been becoming a indispensable main

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Слайд 1Advantages and disadvantages of computer
Созанкова Елена Александровна
Учитель английского языка

СОШ № 1
г. Богородоск
Нижегородской обл.

Advantages and disadvantages of computerВыполнила Созанкова Елена АлександровнаУчитель английского языкаМБОУ СОШ № 1г. БогородоскНижегородской обл.

Слайд 2With the computer technology developing quickly and increasing growth of

the people’s living level, various technologic products are coming into

our lives including computer that has been becoming a indispensable main part of our lives since last century. But it has both advantages and disadvantages.

indispensable - необходимый, обязательный; незаменимый, важный
With the computer technology developing quickly and increasing growth of the people’s living level, various technologic products

Слайд 3Advantages
Someone thinks that it is very important and necessary for

our lives to make use of computer. With the help

of it , we can move up the efficiency and method in our work or lives, and leave much time to do more things. It is well illustrated by online registration, such as a lot of examinations. It is also extensively applied to the finance industry, like bank and so forth..
AdvantagesSomeone thinks that it is very important and necessary for our lives to make use of computer.

Слайд 4Advantages
Indeed, it is obvious that it is important for us

to take full advantage of it. Beside, we can enjoy

online surfing by it. And we can contact each other quickly and easily, such as by internet telephone or instant communication.
AdvantagesIndeed, it is obvious that it is important for us to take full advantage of it. Beside,

Слайд 5Disadvantages
However, others argue that it is no use having it.

Major reasons for it that it is full of mass

negative information and illegal usage can be mentioned.
DisadvantagesHowever, others argue that it is no use having it. Major reasons for it that it is

Слайд 6Disadvantages
Nowadays, many persons are lost to the internet, even some

are addicted, especially younger students. So some parents are worried

about their children. As for them, this is very hateful.
DisadvantagesNowadays, many persons are lost to the internet, even some are addicted, especially younger students. So some

Слайд 7Conclusion
In my opinion, it has both advantages and disadvantages. We

should make proper use of it. Only in this way

can we benefit from it.
ConclusionIn my opinion, it has both advantages and disadvantages. We should make proper use of it. Only

Слайд 8Glossary
online surfing - переходить с одного сайта на другой

- необходимый, обязательный; незаменимый, важный
efficiency - 1) эффективность, результативность, действенность,

2) продуктивность, производительность
forth - 1) вперёд, дальше (в пространственном отношении),
2) впредь, далее (во временном отношении),
benefit - извлекать пользу, выгоду из чего-л. (by)
Glossaryonline surfing - переходить с одного сайта на другой indispensable - необходимый, обязательный; незаменимый, важныйefficiency - 1)

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