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After rain comes fine weather 8 класс

WeatherWhen the weather is wetWe must not fret.When the weather is cold,We must not scold.When the weather is warm,We must not storm,But be thankful togetherWhatever the weather!

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1After rain comes fine weather

After rain comes fine weather

Слайд 2Weather
When the weather is wet
We must not fret.
When the weather

is cold,
We must not scold.
When the weather is warm,
We must

not storm,
But be thankful together
Whatever the weather!

WeatherWhen the weather is wetWe must not fret.When the weather is cold,We must not scold.When the weather

Слайд 3
Which season do you see in each picture?
1 2

3 4

Which season do you see in each picture?	1		 2		    3			4

Слайд 4What’s the weather like In SPRING ?

In spring

it is warm.

is nice
people go outside for a walk.
flowers bloom.

What’s the weather like In SPRING ?In spring it is warm.it is nicepeople go outside for a

Слайд 5What’s the weather like in SUMMER ?
In summer

it is hot.
it is

people go to the beach.
people usually go on holiday.

What’s the weather like in SUMMER ?In summerit is hot.it is sunny.people go to the beach.people usually

Слайд 6What’s the weather like in AUTUMN/FALL ?
In autumn

-it is often windy.

is cloudy.
-it rains = it is rainy.
-it is a bit

What’s the weather like in AUTUMN/FALL ?In autumn-it is often windy.-it is cloudy.-it rains = it is

Слайд 7What’s the weather like in WINTER?
In winter

-it is very cold.
-it snows

= it is snowy.
-it is freezing.

What’s the weather like in WINTER?In winter-it is very cold.-it snows = it is snowy.-it is freezing.

Слайд 8Put the words in order from the highest to the

lowest temperature:
Chilly cool

Freezing Hot
Put the words in order from  the highest to the lowest temperature:  Chilly

Слайд 9Review the cases when It’s is used:
To describe weather –

It’s sunny.
To identify the season- It’s winter.
To identify the time

of the day- It’s late.
To express an opinion- It’s interesting.
To make a statement- It’s time to finish your work.
Review the cases when It’s is used:To describe weather – It’s sunny.To identify the season- It’s winter.To

Слайд 10rainy
stormy and windy
cold and wet
cool and cloudy
warm and wet
hot and

sunny and warm
windy and snowy
rainy and misty


rainyicystormy and windycold and wetcool and cloudywarm and wetfrostyhot and drychillysunny and warmwindy and snowyrainy and mistyJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJuly

Слайд 11Choose the best word in each sentence.
People in the UK

complain about the rain/ heat.
It’s often

foggy/ clear there.
Choose the best word in each sentence.People in the UK complain about the rain/ heat.

Слайд 122. In Canada during winter it’s usually very cold/

It’s dry/ freezing and it often snows.

the best word in each sentence.
2.  In Canada during winter it’s usually very cold/ mild.   It’s dry/ freezing and

Слайд 133. The climate in Australia is very chilly/ humid.

Thunderstorms and tornadoes often take place there.

sometimes it’s very calm/ stormy there.

Choose the best word in each sentence.

3. The climate in Australia is very chilly/ humid.  Thunderstorms and tornadoes often take place there.

Слайд 14Choose the best word in each sentence.
4. In Florida the

temperature is in the high/ low thirties.
The weather is

always frosty/hot there.
Choose the best word in each sentence.4. In Florida the temperature is in the high/ low thirties.

Слайд 15 In pairs ask and answer about weather conditions in

your country. Talk about your city, region.

In pairs ask and answer about weather conditions in your country.  Talk about your city,

Слайд 16Listen to the music extracts.
What images come to your

What season is it?
What is the weather like?

do you feel?

Listen to the music extracts. What images come to your mind? What season is it?What is the

Слайд 17English proverbs and sayings

English proverbs and sayings

Слайд 18After rain comes fine weather.
Save it for a rainy

Words are but wind.
It never rains but it pours.

port in a storm.

Rain before seven, fine before eleven

The wind can't be caught in a net.

Семь пятниц на неделе.

Воду в решете носить

Слова – это ветер.

В любви все средства хороши.

Отложить на черный день.

Не всё ненастье, будет и красное солнышко.

Пришла беда, растворяй ворота. (Беда не приходит одна)

After rain comes fine weather. Save it for a rainy day.Words are but wind. It never rains

Слайд 19Homework:
Ex. 4 and 5 p.5,6 in the workbook

Homework:Ex. 4 and 5 p.5,6 in the workbook

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