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"An Excursion to London"

How do you feel?

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Слайд 1Intellectual Game “An Excursion to London”
English teacher Kireyeva T.S.

– lyceum “Daryn”

Intellectual Game “An Excursion to London”English teacher Kireyeva T.S.  School – lyceum “Daryn”

Слайд 2 How

do you feel?

How do you feel?

Слайд 5What places would you like to visit?
I want to visit

…. because it is ….
I want to see ….

because it is ….
I would like to see …. because it is ….
(Use the words: popular, famous, beautiful, interesting, wonderful, old, big, ancient, exciting)

What places would you like to visit?I want to visit …. because it is ….I want to

Слайд 6Targeting: - TO KNOW INFORMATION ABOUT London; - to clear up the

role of London in world’s cultural life; - to be able

to use your knowledge in different creative situations in interactive activity.
Targeting: - TO KNOW INFORMATION ABOUT London; - to clear up the role of London in world’s

Слайд 7
Rules of Group Work
Respect each other;
Listen to each other;

questions and answer questions;
Help each other and ask for help;

things together;
Make your own decision;
Praise your work and work of your group.

Rules of Group WorkRespect each other;Listen to each other;Ask questions and answer questions;Help each other

Слайд 8 The plan of the

What we’re going to discuss;
Make up well known pairs;
About famous

places of interest;
Test “Do you know London?”
Press conference ;
Your Own Game;
I want to visit London!

The plan of the lesson:What we’re going to discuss;Make up

Слайд 9Don’t forget to praise your assessments in the list, it’s

very important:
To communicate with your friends;
To use proper words and

Not to make grammar mistakes;
To pronounce words correctly.
Points for assessment:
10 points – I know everything!
5 points – I know much!
1 point - I know little.
Good luck!
Don’t forget to praise your assessments in the list, it’s very important:To communicate with your friends;To use

Слайд 10 We see, we hear, we speak,

we do and all will be great!

We see, we hear, we speak,    we do and all will be

Слайд 11Match the parts:


Trafalgar Gallery
Bloody Garden
White Park
Tower Ben
Buckingham Square

Westminster Abbey
The Houses of Tower
The Tower of Parliament
Covent London
Regent’s Bridge
National Tower

Match the parts: Big

Слайд 12 Agree or disagree:
1 Trafalgar Square is in Astana.

London is the capital of the UK.
3 London is

not an old city.
4 The oldest part of London is Westminster.
5 The Queen of England lives in the Buckingham Palace.
6 In front of Buckingham Palace there is Nelson’s Column.
7 The Prime Minister lives in Whitehall.
8 Whitehall is a wide street leading to the Parliament Square.
9 There are a lot of places of interest in London.

Agree or disagree:1 Trafalgar Square is in Astana. 2 London is the capital of the UK.

Слайд 13Puzzle “How well do you know London”

Puzzle “How well do you know London”

Слайд 14The KEY
1. I 12.L

15,14+ - “5”
2. D 13. G 10 - 13 + - “4”
3. E 14.M 7- 8 + - “3”
4. K 15.H
5. A
6. J
7. F
8. B
9. O
11. C
The KEY1. I   12.L

Слайд 15

have a rest
Up and down, up and down,
Which is the

way to London town?
Where, where – up in the air,
Close your eyes, and you are there!
Let’s have a restUp and down, up and down,Which

Слайд 16Answer Some Questions for our Press -Conference:
What is the name

of the street where you can see
Governmental Offices?
-What is

the address of the Prime Minister of G.B?
-Where is the monument to Admiral Nelson?
-Where are a lot of famous cinemas, theatres, cafes?
-What is the seat of the British Parliament?
-What is the official residence of the Queen?
-Which church was built by Sir Christopher Wren?
-Where were nearly all English kings and
Queens crowned?
-What monument can you see on Trafalgar Square?
-What is Cenotaph?
-Where is the Speaker’s Corner?
-What Park is the London’s Zoo situated?
-What is the name of the business center in London?
-What is the most expensive and fashionable
part of London?
Answer Some Questions for our Press -Conference:What is the name of the street where you can see

Слайд 17Let’s play a game: “Guess the place”

Let’s play a game: “Guess the place”

Слайд 18STREETS:


Слайд 19 Finish the phrases:

1 I have known that…
2 I don’t

think that…
3 I have interested in…
4 I think that…
5 It

seems to me that…
6 I don’t like that…

Finish the phrases:1 I have known that…2 I don’t think that…3 I have interested in…4 I

Слайд 20What did you like best of all: - puzzles; - press conference; -“Guess

the place” game; - presentation about London, poems,

a song;
What did you like best of all: - puzzles; - press conference; -“Guess the place” game; -

Слайд 22Оценочный лист учащегося 5 «А» класса
Фамилия __________________

Знаю всё – 10 баллов, знаю

много – 5 баллов, знаю мало – 2 балла.

Оценочный лист учащегося 5 «А» классаФамилия  __________________ Имя      ______________Знаю всё –

Слайд 23Draw a line to make the face to smile or

to be sad and angry:
I like the lesson.

The lesson was

quite ordinary.

The lesson was boring.
Draw a line to make the face to smile or to be sad and angry:I like the

Слайд 24You Hometask is: -to make a project about visiting London, -to find

information about modern buildings in London.

You Hometask is: -to make a project about visiting London, -to find information about modern buildings in

Слайд 28Thanks a lot for your attention! Good bye!

Thanks a lot for your attention! Good bye!

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