Разделы презентаций

Different activities on the context of the book

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 The teacher must first of all be an actor, keep

the audience in their hands and fill the stage.“ (J.

Harris ) Fayzieva Roza Khusanovna School № 5 M.Gorky Grade 7 Theme : Different activities based on the content of the book. William Shakespeare s life
The teacher must first of all be an actor, keep the audience in

Слайд 2

Learning objectives

7.S.6. Begin to link comments with some flexibility to what other say at sentences


7.U.E.3.Use a growing variety of compound , participle adjectives

7.W.3. Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to :
link flexibility answers to the comments

Most learners will be able to:
use a variety of compound, and participle adjectives

Some learners will be able to: write the sentences using the Past Simple structure

I took three aims from the updated curriculum

Слайд 3Link comments with some
flexibility answers

Write the sentences using

grammar of the Past Simple

Use a growing variety

of compound
and participle adjectives


Speaking, understanding

Understanding , knowledge



Link comments with some flexibility answersWrite the sentences using the grammar of the Past Simple Use a

Слайд 4ggg
Active methods of learning
Group work
Learning from

own experience
Responding to learner
Cross -curricular

ggg Active methods of learning    FeedbackGroup workDifferentiationLearning from own experienceResponding to learnerCross -curricular

Слайд 5
1.Make up sentences using the verbs in the Past


Move, write, live, begin, born, die

2.Put compound, participle adjectives

into the gaps
(interesting, amazing ,well- known, brightly-lit)
1.Viewers admired the________ plays of Shakespeare.
2.Shakespeare was _________ writer.
3. All his plays are__________ in our time.
4.Shakespeare plays told these stories in a more______ way

A learners

Describe the pictures.
Use the verbs in the Past Simple.
Make up sentences

This task for A learners, because it is the grammatical task ,where learners should make up the affirmative, negative sentences using the verbs in the past simple, to definite the irregular and regular verbs

This task for C learners, find the compound and participle adjectives from the text and underline them

Task 2
C learners
Read the text
Find the participle, compound adjectives

1.Make up sentences using the verbs in the Past Simple.Move, write, live, begin, born, die 2.Put

Слайд 6 Feedback
What I need to know

have I achieved today
What was my physical condition

I like the lesson

What points of the lesson I did not understand

The criteria assessment provides for constant feedback. It helps to know at what level are the learners. I use the stragedy of five fingers for determine at what level they have learned the material

Feedback What I need to know What have I achieved today What was my

Слайд 7Microteaching
I gained experience with the distribution
of differentiated tasks for

learners ABC
I have learnt to make up a short term

corresponds to updated curriculum


I have learnt to distinguish the differences between
the feedback and reflection

I l have learnt about
formative and
sumative estimation

MicroteachingI gained experience with the distribution of differentiated tasks for learners ABCI have learnt to make up

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