Разделы презентаций

Aral Sea по английскому языку

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The problem of the dying Aral sea

The problem of the dying Aral sea

Слайд 2Aral today

Aral today

Слайд 3
The Aral Sea is one of the environmental disasters of

the world.

The Aral Sea is one of the environmental disasters of the world.

Слайд 4Ship cemetery

Ship cemetery

Слайд 5Thousands of ships are on the dried-up area of the

Aral Sea…

Thousands of ships are on the dried-up area of the Aral Sea…

Слайд 7The air has salt, dust and pollutant blown from the

sea. Many people and animals suffer from different illnesses.

The air

has salt, dust and pollutant blown from the sea. Many people and animals suffer from different illnesses.
The air has salt, dust and pollutant blown from the sea. Many people and animals suffer from

Слайд 10The future of the Aral Sea and people living in

his area depends on us.
It is necessary to rescue

the Aral Sea.
The future of the Aral Sea and people living in his area depends on us. It is

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