Разделы презентаций

Arhip Ivanovich Kuindgi (1841 — 1910)

Arhip Ivanovich Kuindgi(1841  — 1910)

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The presentation made the puplil of 11A classe Fedorova Ekaterina The

teacher: Sokolov A.M.

The presentation made  the puplil  of 11A classe Fedorova Ekaterina     The

Слайд 2Arhip Ivanovich
(1841  — 1910)

Arhip Ivanovich     Kuindgi(1841  — 1910)

Слайд 3Arhip Kuindgi
The famous painter Arhip Kuindgi born

in 1842.

The famous paintings are "Ukrainian night", "Birch

Grove", "After the Storm," "Night on Dnepr

The biggest Kuindgi’s secret it's paint.

In 1909 Kuindzhi created Society of Artists.

Arkhip Kuindzhi died 24 July 1910.
Arhip Kuindgi    The famous painter Arhip Kuindgi born in 1842.  The famous paintings

Слайд 4Evening in Ukraine

Evening in Ukraine

Слайд 5On island Valaam

On island Valaam

Слайд 6The night

The night

Слайд 7St. Isaac's Cathedral in moonlight

St. Isaac's Cathedral in moonlight

Слайд 8The Birchwood

The Birchwood

Слайд 9 The Rainbow

The Rainbow

Слайд 10The Decline

The Decline

Слайд 11The cloud

The cloud

Слайд 12Snow tops

Snow tops

Слайд 13Daryal pass

Daryal pass

Слайд 14View on Moskvoretsky
bridge, the Kremlin and
St. Basil's Cathedral

View on Moskvoretskybridge, the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral

Слайд 16The Thaw

The Thaw

Слайд 17Sunset at the seaside

Sunset at the seaside

Слайд 18The winter.
Spot of light on the roofs of the


The winter. Spot of light on the roofs of the huts

Слайд 19Cypresses on the sea.

Cypresses on the sea.Crimea

Слайд 20The sea. Crimea

The sea. Crimea

Слайд 21The autumn

The autumn

Слайд 22Autumn thaw

Autumn thaw

Слайд 23After rain

After rain

Слайд 24Early spring

Early spring

Слайд 25The steppe

The steppe

Слайд 26Elbrus at sunset

Elbrus at sunset

Слайд 27Night on the Dnieper River

Night on the Dnieper River

Слайд 28THE END


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