Разделы презентаций

At the doctors

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The 18th of January
Demonstrative lesson

The 18th of January Demonstrative lesson

Слайд 2At the doctor's
The theme of the lesson:

At the doctor'sThe theme of the lesson:

Слайд 3

Checking up the home work
Exercise: 8 on p104

Checking up the home work Exercise: 8 on p104

Слайд 4

Exercise: 8 on p104


Exercise: 8 on p104 F T T T F T F F

Слайд 5 New words:
Patient, n-


examine, v-тексеру

suggest, v-ұсыныс

hurt, v-ауырту,соғып алу,жаралану

swallow, v-жұтыну,жұту

surgery, n-хирургия бөлімі

tonsillitis-тамақ ауру


have eyes tested-көзін тексеру

had better- жаксы болу, сезіну
New words:  Patient, n- науқасexamine, v-тексеруsuggest, v-ұсынысhurt, v-ауырту,соғып алу,жаралану swallow, v-жұтыну,жұтуsurgery,

Слайд 6Doing exercise

Doing exercise

Слайд 7Healthy or unhealthy
Fresh fruit
Plenty of fresh air
Lots of sugar
A lot

of stress at work
Regular exercise
Too much alcohol
Too much salt
is good

for you.

is bad for you.

Which phrases are good for you or bad?

Healthy or unhealthyFresh fruitSmokingPlenty of fresh airLots of sugarFishA lot of stress at workRegular exerciseToo much alcoholsaladToo

Слайд 8Ex: 1

Complete the chart


Read and translate the text

Ex: 1 Complete the chartEx:3 Read and translate the text

Слайд 9Treating a Patient.
Last week Bolat was taken ill. He

was running a high temperature .
He felt sick and

giddy. He had a headache and a sore throat .
It was clear that he needed the services of a doctor. His mother phoned the policlinics.
In half an hour the doctor ,a middle –aged woman came in.
She asked Bolat to strip to the waist , examined his throat , felt his pulse , listened to his lungs and chest , tested his blood pressure . She also took his temperature .It was 38.8(thirty eight point eight). She said that it was flu.
The doctor wrote out a prescription for some pills and mixture and some tablets for his headache. She asked him to take a tablespoonful of it three times a day.
His mother went to the chemist`s to have the prescription made up. Bolat followed the doctor`s advice and soon he recovered.
Treating a Patient. Last week Bolat was taken ill. He was running a high temperature . He

Слайд 10True or false


True or false F T F T F T F T

Слайд 11To find in this text the subject and predicate sentences

To find in this text  the subject and predicate sentences

Слайд 12When did Bolat ill?
What happened with him?
Where his mother called

When did doctor came?
What did she do?
What about his temperature?

kind of advice give doctor?
Where his mother went?
Whose mother went to chemist’s ?
Whom about this story?

Answer the questions:

When did Bolat ill?What happened with him?Where his mother called ?When did doctor came?What did she do?What

Слайд 13
Ex:2 on p 108
Make-up dialogue

Ex:2 on p 108 Make-up dialogue

Слайд 14Theme:
Ex: 4

Theme:Problem:Diagnosis:Treatment:Ex: 4

Слайд 15




Слайд 16
1.I have had headaches.
2. It`s tonsillits.
3. What`s the problem?
4. Does

it hurt when you swallow?
5. You`d better have you eyes

6. When did they start?
7. I`ve got a sore throat.
8. About a month ago.
9. I`ll write you a prescription for antibiotics.
10.How are you?
11.Open wide and say “Ah”
12.You might need glasses.
13. Yes, I can hardly eat.
14.Watch my finger.
1.I have had headaches.2. It`s tonsillits.3. What`s the problem?4. Does it hurt when you swallow?5. You`d better

Слайд 19
Home task is ex: 7 on p 107

Home task is ex: 7 on p 107

Слайд 20Goooood Bye!

Goooood Bye!

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