Разделы презентаций

At the news 6 класс

presentation This is my mobile phone. It is old. I bought it 4 years ago.I have had it for 4 years.I have had it since 2006.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1At the news
Checking up
New words
Home task
Теплоухова Е.Г.

At the newspresentationChecking up New wordsHome taskТеплоухова Е.Г.

Слайд 2presentation
This is my mobile phone. It is old.

I bought it 4 years ago.
I have had it

for 4 years.
I have had it since 2006.

This is my pen. It is new. I bought it 5 days ago.
I have had it for 5 days.
I have had it since last week.

This is my pupil Ann.
I have known her for 2 years.
I have known her since 2008.


Теплоухова Е.Г.

presentation   This is my mobile phone. It is old.  I bought it 4 years

Слайд 3New words
for [fo:]
competition ["k2mpq'tISn]
prize [praIz]
congratulation [kqn"gr1tS4'leISn]

Теплоухова Е.Г.

New words since[sIns] for [fo:]competition [

Слайд 4Checking up


2 o’clock
his birthday
last September, morning

last summer


two weeks
five years
10 days
three months
two hours

half an hour

Теплоухова Е.Г.

Checking up  backSince:Monday 2 o’clock1998 his birthday last September, morning thenlast summer Fortwo weeksfive years 10

Слайд 5 Home task

p.39 ex. 1-3
Good Luck!
See you soon!
Теплоухова Е.Г.

Home task w.b. p.39 ex. 1-3Good Luck!See you soon!backТеплоухова

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