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australia. Австралия

When did first people appear in Australia?The first people appear in Australia 42-48 thousand years ago. These were the ancestors of Australian Aborigines, who moved here from the modern South-East Asia.

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Слайд 1Australia


Слайд 2When did first people appear in Australia?
The first people appear

in Australia 42-48 thousand years ago. These were the ancestors

of Australian Aborigines, who moved here from the modern South-East Asia.
When did first people appear in Australia?The first people appear in Australia 42-48 thousand years ago. These

Слайд 3What is the landscape like?
The Australian landscape isn’t boring at

all, because in this great flat land there are many

wonderful places.
What is the landscape like?The Australian landscape isn’t boring at all, because in this great flat land

Слайд 4What parts of Australian do people live in?
Australian people live

in the cities of the east coast.

What parts of Australian do people live in?Australian people live in the cities of the east coast.

Слайд 5When did Europeans first learn about Australia?
The first European, who

learn about Australia – is Capitan James Cook visited Australia

in 1770.
When did Europeans first learn about Australia?The first European, who learn about Australia – is Capitan James

Слайд 6What is the area of Australia?
Australia is the biggest island

in the world and its smallest continent.

What is the area of Australia?Australia is the biggest island in the world and its smallest continent.

Слайд 7What is special about Australia?
The local wildlife, clear sky and

unusual constellation.

What is special about Australia?The local wildlife, clear sky and unusual constellation.

Слайд 8Are there any mountains in Australia?
Australia's mountains are located along

the east and west coast.

Are there any mountains in Australia?Australia's mountains are located along the east and west coast.

Слайд 9Thank you for your attention^^

Thank you for your attention^^

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