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Презентация к проекту "Maslenitsa"

Maslenitsa is the week before Lent. It’s when Russians say goodbye to winter and welcome spring.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Maslenitsa Spring Festival

Maslenitsa Spring Festival

Слайд 2Maslenitsa is the week before Lent. It’s when Russians say

goodbye to winter and welcome spring.

Maslenitsa is the week before Lent. It’s when Russians say goodbye to winter and welcome spring.

Слайд 3It’s a time of singing, dancing and fun.

It’s a time of singing, dancing and fun.

Слайд 5There’s a lot to eat, too – especially blinis,

are delicious butter pancakes.

There’s a lot to eat, too – especially blinis, which are delicious butter pancakes.

Слайд 6Children dress up and play in the snow. We got

for sleigh rides, go sledging, have snowball fights and lots

Children dress up and play in the snow. We got for sleigh rides, go sledging, have snowball

Слайд 8We make straw doll of ‘Lady Maslenitsa’,
who is dressed

in special clothes.

We make straw doll of ‘Lady Maslenitsa’, who is dressed in special clothes.

Слайд 9On Sunday evening, we burn Lady Maslenitsa on a big


On Sunday evening, we burn Lady Maslenitsa on a big bonfire.

Слайд 11The spring festival is over and Lent begins.

The spring festival is over and Lent begins.

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