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Australia. General information

It was discovered by the Dutch in 1606, but the continent was not settled till Captain Cook discovered the east coast in 1770. It was first used as colony for convicts.General

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Романова Светлана Владимировна,
учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №5»

г.Донской, Тульская область

Романова Светлана Владимировна,учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №5»г.Донской, Тульская областьAustralia

Слайд 2It was discovered by the Dutch in 1606, but the

continent was not settled till Captain Cook discovered the east

coast in 1770. It was first used as colony for convicts.

General information

It was discovered by the Dutch in 1606, but the continent was not settled till Captain Cook

Слайд 3Australia is an island, a continent and a country. It's

the world's largest island and its smallest (but oldest!) continent.

And it's the only country that has a whole continent to itself!
Australia is located to the south of Asia between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It is separated from Asia by the Arafura and Timor seas.
The total area of the country is 7.7 million square km.

General information

Australia is an island, a continent and a country. It's the world's largest island and its smallest

Слайд 4Until 1901 Australia was a British colony. Now Australia is

an independent federal state within the Commonwealth
headed by the

British Queen.
The Queen is represented by
Governor General. The Head of
Government is Prime Minister.

General information

Until 1901 Australia was a British colony. Now Australia is an independent federal state within the Commonwealth

Слайд 5The flag of Australia: the red, white and blue Union

Jack in the upper left quarter, indicating Australia’s membership in

the Commonwealth, the white five-star Southern Cross in the right half; and the white seven-pointed federal star blow the Union Jack. The kangaroo and emu can be seen on Australia’s coat of-arms. The national anthem of Australia is «Advance Australia Fair»

General information

The flag of Australia: the red, white and blue Union Jack in the upper left quarter, indicating

Слайд 6Currency: Australian dollar

General information

Currency: Australian dollar General information

Слайд 7General information

General information

Слайд 10National holidays

National holidays

Слайд 11National holidays

National holidays

Слайд 12National holidays

National holidays

Слайд 13National holidays

National holidays

Слайд 14The most famous cities


The most famous citiesPopulation RiversLakesMineralsAgricultureIndustryPlantsAnimalsAustralia

Слайд 15Canberra (the capital)





The most famous cities

Canberra (the capital)SydneyMelburnePerthAdelaideThe most famous cities

Слайд 16Population


Слайд 24- Gold - nonferrous metals - iron ore

- Gold - nonferrous    metals - iron ore  Minerals

Слайд 25

- Crop - livestock


Слайд 26 Wool



Слайд 28Animals


Слайд 29Animals


Слайд 30Animals


Слайд 31Animals


Слайд 32Great Barrier Reef
Great Barrier Reef - the world's largest coral

reef, located off the coast of Australia. It is the

largest single structure on earth created by living organisms, visible even from space.
Great Barrier ReefGreat Barrier Reef - the world's largest coral reef, located off the coast of Australia.

Слайд 34Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!

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