Разделы презентаций

Back to School 5 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Back to School

Back to School .

Слайд 3School is the place where children

School is the place where children

Слайд 4Dear students! We have completed our module “Back to School”.

Please, check your knowledge. You worked hard, so your results

will be great!


Dear students! We have completed our module “Back to School”. Please, check your knowledge. You worked hard,

Слайд 5Put in the missing letters
Bo..kshelf, b..g, d..sk, comp..ter, black bo..rd,

te..cher’s t..ble, po..ter, p..n, sc..ol b..g, cl..s, not..ad, t..tbook.

Put in the missing lettersBo..kshelf, b..g, d..sk, comp..ter, black bo..rd, te..cher’s t..ble, po..ter, p..n, sc..ol b..g, cl..s,

Слайд 6Check yourselves
Bookshelf, bag, desk, computer, black board, teacher’s table, poster,

pen, school bag, clips, notepad, textbook.

Check yourselvesBookshelf, bag, desk, computer, black board, teacher’s table, poster, pen, school bag, clips, notepad, textbook.

Слайд 7Name the lesson

Name the lesson

Слайд 8Name the lesson (English)

Name the lesson (English)

Слайд 9Name the lesson

Name the lesson

Слайд 10Name the lesson (Maths)

Name the lesson (Maths)

Слайд 11Name the lesson

Name the lesson

Слайд 12Name the lesson (Science)

Name the lesson (Science)

Слайд 13Put the letters into right order

Put the letters into right orderSOYHTIR

Слайд 14Put the letters into right order

Put the letters into right orderTRA

Слайд 15Put the letters into right order

Put the letters into right orderEGAHGORPY

Слайд 16What is your favorite subject?
My favourite subject is …

What is your favorite subject?My favourite subject is …RussianEnglishMathsLiteratureArtPEMusicHandicraftScience

Слайд 17Match the subjects with the activities

draw and paint pictures
Literature run, ski and play games
Art do sums
English translate new words
PE learn poems by heart
Maths write compositions

Match the subjects with the activitiesRussian

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