Разделы презентаций

Who is the first?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Good morning,


Good morning,             children!

Слайд 2

Theme: “Who is the first?’’

Theme:  “Who is the first?’’

Слайд 3I can read I can write
I can speak English too,

love learning English
And what about you?

I can read I can writeI can speak English too,I love learning EnglishAnd what about you?

Слайд 4The plan of the lesson
Level 1: “Baiga”
Level 2: “Polyglot”

3: “Captains’ Competition”
Level 4: ‘‘Crossword’’

The plan of the lessonLevel 1: “Baiga”Level 2: “Polyglot” Level 3: “Captains’ Competition”Level 4: ‘‘Crossword’’

Слайд 5Level 1: “Baiga”

Level 1: “Baiga”

Слайд 6Is “vegetable” food or animal?

When is Kazakhstan Independence Day?

What is the Russian for “favourite”?

What day comes after


What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

The colour of flag of Kazakhstan?

How many letters are there in the English alphabet?

What is the antonym to the word “Goog”?


16 december







Is “vegetable” food or animal? When is Kazakhstan Independence Day? What is the Russian for “favourite”? What

Слайд 7Who was the first President of the Kazakhstan?

How many

letters are there in Kazakh alphabet?

What is the capital of


What is the official language of our country?

What is the Kazakh for “famous”

What is the Big Ben?

What river is Astana on?


a clock






Who is my father’s father?


Who was the first President of the Kazakhstan? How many letters are there in Kazakh alphabet?What is

Слайд 8Level 2: “Polyglot”

Level 2: “Polyglot”

Слайд 9These was a green house.
Inside the green house these was

a white house.
Inside the white house these was a red

Inside the green red house these were lots of babies.

Watermelon, қарбыз, арбуз

Көргенім жоқ нақ бұлардай артисті, Түрі бірдей, ал іздері әр түсті.

Қарындаш, a pencil, карандаш

Дерево крепко корнями, а человек …

друзьями, достар, friends

A little woman has twelve children.

a year, жыл, год

These was a green house.Inside the green house these was a white house.Inside the white house these

Слайд 10
Многословие – серебро, а молчание - …
көз, глаза, eyes

a fish,рыба
золото, алтын, gold
Су ішінде желігер, Құм үстінде демігер.

Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it?

Көреді бәрін өзгенің,
Көре алмайды өздерін.

Многословие – серебро, а молчание - … көз, глаза, eyesSugar,қант,сахарбалық, a fish,рыбазолото, алтын, goldСу ішінде желігер, Құм

Слайд 11Level 3:

Level 3: “Captains`competition

Слайд 121.The name of the fruit
2.The capital of Kazakhstan
3.We don`t live

without it.
4.The famous kazakh writer
5.The first letter of the

6.Who is Jackie Chan?
7. One of the season
8. The name of the month
9.What is the kazakh for “cheap”
10.One of the river of Kazakhstan


(apple, apricot)








( April)

Letter A

1.The name of the fruit2.The capital of Kazakhstan3.We don`t live without it. 4.The famous kazakh writer5.The first

Слайд 131.The name of the fruit.
2.The capital of Germany.

is the English for “кітап”
4.The second letter of the alphabet

colour of the sky?
6.Give antonym “interesting”
7.What is the Kazakh for “head”
8. The antonym of the word “good”.
9.What kind of sport do you know?
10.It is the symbol of Astana











Letter B

1.The name of the fruit. 2.The capital of Germany. 3.What is the English for “кітап”4.The second letter

Слайд 14Level 4:


Level 4: ‘‘Crossword’’

Слайд 17Concluding part.

Concluding part.

Слайд 18Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attentionGOOD BYE!

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