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Christmas Traditions in Finland

It’s a tradition in Finland to celebrateChristmas with a Christmas tree, presents, a dressed-up he-goat, a lot of eating.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Christmas Traditions in Finland

Christmas Traditions in Finland

Слайд 2It’s a tradition in Finland to celebrate
Christmas with a Christmas

presents, a dressed-up he-goat, a lot of eating.

It’s a tradition in Finland to celebrateChristmas with a Christmas tree, presents, a dressed-up he-goat, a lot

Слайд 3Many people decorate
their homes at Christmas.
Some people put

lights outside their houses.

Many people decorate their homes at Christmas. Some people put electric lights outside their houses.

Слайд 4Christmas tree is set up in every house.
In Finland

it is decorated with lights,
angels and straw toys.

Christmas tree is set up in every house. In Finland it is decorated with lights, angels and

Слайд 5It is a tradition to have
4 candles in the

People believe that
their light help them
to forget

the darkness of winter.
It is a tradition to have 4 candles in the house. People believe that their light help

Слайд 6Father Christmas in Finland is called
Joulupukki. He lives in

Joulupukki got his name from
a dressed-up he-goat.

Father Christmas in Finland is called Joulupukki. He lives in Lapland. Joulupukki got his name from a

Слайд 7Joulupukki lives with his wife Muori
and his friends gnomes.
Muori is

an impersonation of winter.

Joulupukki lives with his wife Muoriand his friends gnomes.Muori is an impersonation of winter.

Слайд 8Joulupukki brings his presents in a basket.
He comes in and

asks one question,
“Are there any good children here?”

the answer is always, “Yes, there are!”
Joulupukki brings his presents in a basket.He comes in and asks one question, “Are there any good

Слайд 9Christmas is a time for eating.
Traditional Christmas dinner is

riсe-milk porridge, baked potato and
carrots pudding and ginger biscuits.

Christmas is a time for eating.Traditional Christmas dinner is ham, riсe-milk porridge, baked potato and carrots pudding

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