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Что мы знаем об Америке? 6 класс

Ee Christopher Columbus

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме

«Что мы знаем об Америке?» учителя английского языка ЧОУ СОШ «Альтернатива»

Телидченко М.Н.
Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме  «Что мы знаем об Америке?» учителя

Слайд 2Ee
Christopher Columbus

Ee Christopher Columbus

Слайд 3Columbus thought he was near India, so he called people

Indians. By accident, he discovered a New World.

Columbus thought he was near India, so he called people Indians. By accident, he discovered a New

Слайд 4The USA is washed by …… In the north the

USA borders on …and in the south - on ….

The USA is washed by ……  In the north the USA borders on …and in the



Слайд 6The White House

The White House

Слайд 7 The Game“Star Hour”

1) There are……states in the US.

19 b 23 c 50

d 48
2) The greatest river in the USA is the………
A Amazon River b Colorado c Mississippi d Missouri
3) About ……..million people live in the US
A 300 b 250 c 450 d150
4) The US sometimes called the………
A “Old World” b” New World” c “Young World” d “Wild World”

5) The Congress is divided into two parts the House of Representatives and the….
A Senate b Church c White Hall d Parliament
6) A person who wants to become President must be at least……….years old.
A 35 b 18 c 24 d 45
7) The first US President was…
A Columbus b George Washington c Bill Clinton d Abraham Lincoln
8) Abraham Lincoln was the……President of the USA
A 2nd b 7th c 11th d 16th
9) The official national symbol of the USA is ….
A the Statue of Liberty b) the Eagle c) the “Mayflower”
10) The American flag is often called ….
a) Union Jack b) the White Eagle c) the Stars and Stripes
11) What do Americans celebrate on the 4th of July?
a) Thanksgiving Day b) Christmas c) Independence Day d) Victory Day
12) There are… stripes and … stars on the American flag.
a) 15… 50 b) 13… 25 c)13… 50 d) 15 … 25

The Game“Star Hour” 1) There are……states in the US.A 19   b 23  c

Слайд 81.What is the capital of the USA ?
2.When did Christopher

Columbus discover America?
3.What tradition did the first colonists start?
4.What are

the colours of the American flag?
5.What do you know about the “Mayflower”?
6.What national symbols of America do you know?
7.What is the traditional American food for Thanksgiving Day?
8.What tradition from the “Wild West” do you know?
9.Who made special clothes – strong trousers called jeans?

1.What is the capital of the USA ?2.When did Christopher Columbus discover America?3.What tradition did the first

Слайд 9“Some interesting facts about Americans” (let’s listen and discuss)
True or False

1. Americans are afraid of new ideas.

2. Americans like to be modern.
3. They like to visit museums.
4. Americans are interested only in old traditions.
5. People from different countries came to the USA and made one country out of many.
6. The Germans brought Christmas Day.
7. The Scots brought St. Patrick’s Day .








“Some interesting facts about Americans” (let’s listen and discuss)True or False ?1. Americans are afraid of new

Слайд 10Countable and uncountable nouns
It is a good …
It is wonderful

What an interesting …
What tasty …..
What a tasty ……
Ideas, coffee,

cheese, salt, answer, boy, bread, jam, tea, apple, banana, weather, air, butter, work, job, orange, egg, sandwich, pepper, hotdog, sugar, animals, girl, money, juice.
Countable and uncountable nounsIt is a good …It is wonderful …What an interesting …What tasty …..What a



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