Ex. 50 p. 53
a science witch studies the relationship between all forms of life on our planet with their environment
There is probably a group in your area which spends weekends cleaning up ponds, rivers and parks. Join the group.
When you are writing, use both sides of the paper.
Ex. 53 p. 54
Here are five sentences which belong in Ex. 53 p. 54.
Mark the places in the text where they fit in best.
Don’t take your radio outside – other people may not want to hear it.
You don’t need everything that adverts say you to do.
human beings
plant species
insect species
Biodegradable products – продукты, не приносящие вред при разложении
(If … had V3 … ), [ … would have V3 …] .
to feed
to pay
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