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Презентация 7 чудес света


1. The type of the project - abstract information.2. The subject - English.3. The purpose of the project - to find seven wonders of Russia

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The project “Seven wonders of Russia. St Basil’s Cathedral”

The project “Seven wonders of Russia. St Basil’s Cathedral”

Слайд 21. The type of the project - abstract information.
2. The

subject - English.
3. The purpose of the project - to

find seven wonders of Russia
and represent them in English.
4. The problems of the project - to describe seven wonders of Russia, especially
St Basil’s Cathedral as the most symbolic of
them; to make presentation on this theme, to make a
model of St Basil’s Cathedral and an album.
5. The questions of the project - a) What is the uniqueness of seven wonders of Russia?
b) What secrets and mysteries has St Basil’s Cathedral got?
c) Why was it called “the city of churches”?
6. The topicality of the project - we’d like to tell our foreign friends about cultural and
historical values of our country which we are proud of;
that’s why we have the right to call them “wonders” of
7. Hypothesis - we suppose there are unique cultural and historical values which we can
unite in a group of seven wonders of Russia and the most symbolic of them
is St Basil’s Cathedral.
8. The subject of research - historical and architectural features of St Basil’s Cathedral, its
9. The object of research - the sights of Russia which we have the right to call “seven wonders of Russia”
10. The methods of research - the special literature, the Internet sites on this theme.
11. The conclusion - there are seven outstanding sights of Russia which are seven wonders of Russia.
12. The forecast - probably this project will attract attention not only Russians but also foreigners, it
will help them to learn something new about the Russian culture.
1. The type of the project - abstract information.2. The subject - English.3. The purpose of the

Слайд 3Seven wonders of Russia

Seven wonders of Russia

Слайд 4Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal

Слайд 5It’s situated in Irkutsk region, Buryatia

It’s situated in Irkutsk region, Buryatia

Слайд 6Geyser Valley

Geyser Valley

Слайд 7It’s situated in Kamchatka territory

It’s situated in Kamchatka territory

Слайд 8Mamayev Kurgan and the monument to Mother Motherland

Mamayev Kurgan and the monument to Mother Motherland

Слайд 9They are situated in Volgograd Region

They are situated in Volgograd Region

Слайд 10Peterhof


Слайд 11It’s situated in Saint Petersburg

It’s situated in Saint Petersburg

Слайд 12Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Слайд 13It’s situated in Moscow

It’s situated in Moscow

Слайд 14Manpupuner rock formations

Manpupuner rock formations

Слайд 15They are situated in the Republic of Komi

They are situated in the Republic of Komi

Слайд 16Mount Elbrus

Mount Elbrus

Слайд 17It’s situated in Kabardino-Balkaria

It’s situated in Kabardino-Balkaria

Слайд 18Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Слайд 20 The Cathedral of the Protection of Most Holly

Theotokos on the Moat, populary known as Saint Basil’s Cathedral,

is a Russian Orthodox church erected in Red Square in Moscow in 1555-1561.
The Cathedral of the Protection of Most Holly Theotokos on the Moat, populary known as

Слайд 21 It was built on the order of Ivan the

Terrible to commemorate the capture of
Kazan and Astrakhan.

It was built on the order of Ivan the Terrible to commemorate the capture of Kazan

Слайд 22 The original wooden building known as “Trinity Church” contained

8 churches arranged around the ninth, central church of Intercession;

the tenth church was erected in 1588 over the grave of venerated local saint Basil the Blessed.

The original wooden building known as “Trinity Church” contained 8 churches arranged around the ninth, central

Слайд 24 Every church was built in honor the saint

whose memory was remembered on the day of

each victorious battle.
Every church was built in honor the saint whose memory was   remembered on

Слайд 25 Intercession of Most Holy


Intercession of Most Holy        Theotokos

Слайд 26Entry of Christ into

Entry of Christ into    Jerusalem

Слайд 27 Saint Gregory the Illuminator

of Armenia

Saint Gregory the Illuminator         of Armenia

Слайд 28

Saint Martyrs Cyprian and Justinia

Saint Martyrs Cyprian and

Слайд 29Saint John the Merciful

Saint John the Merciful

Слайд 30Life-giving Holy Trinity

Life-giving Holy Trinity

Слайд 31Saint Alexander Svirsky

Saint Alexander Svirsky

Слайд 32Saint Nicholas Velikoretsky

Saint Nicholas Velikoretsky

Слайд 33Saint Barlaam of Khutyn

Saint Barlaam of Khutyn

Слайд 34Basil the Blessed

Basil the Blessed

Слайд 35 Tradition held that the church was built by 2

architects Barma and Postnik. Probably both names refer to the

same person, Postnik Yakovlev from Pskov. Legend held that Ivan the Terrible blinded the architect so he could not re-create the masterpiece elsewhere, though the real Postnik Yakovlev took an active part in the building of Kazan Kremlin.
Tradition held that the church was built by 2 architects Barma and Postnik. Probably both names

Слайд 36 Saint Basils Cathedral was often damaged by Moscow fires,

especially in 1812, and later restored some times, so the

sight of the Temple was something changed.
Saint Basils Cathedral was often damaged by Moscow fires, especially in 1812, and later restored some

Слайд 37 In 16th and 17th centuries it was the symbol

of the Heavenly City and later as “Jerusalem” where Palm

Sunday parade was held attended by the Patriarch of Moscow and the tsar.
In 16th and 17th centuries it was the symbol of the Heavenly City and later as

Слайд 38 It is a unique building because it’s a group

of 9 independent churches on a common platform became a

monolithic temple. The buildings design, shaped as a flame of a bonfire rising into the sky has no analogues in Russian architecture. It’s a mixture of Russian and Bysantine architectural traditions.
It is a unique building because it’s a group of 9 independent churches on a common

Слайд 39 So majestic outside the Cathedral is rather chamber inside.

It is decorated with colorful floral ornaments, “carpets of flowers”,

which always make a great impression.
So majestic outside the Cathedral is rather chamber inside. It is decorated with colorful floral ornaments,

Слайд 40 And its bright domes attract a lot of people

from many countries of the world.

And its bright domes attract a lot of people from many countries of the world.

Слайд 41 Until 1595 rich townsmen hid their property there, and

the tsar’s money was kept there too. Church service was

stopped in 1918 and resumed in 1991. Now it’s a museum and a working church.
Until 1595 rich townsmen hid their property there, and the tsar’s money was kept there too.

Слайд 42 There are so many Orthodox sanctuaries in the Temple:

the ancient icons of Most Holly Theotokos Vladimirskaya, Smolenskaya; the

icons of Holly Trinity and saint Alexander Nevsky; the relics of St. Basil.
There are so many Orthodox sanctuaries in the Temple: the ancient icons of Most Holly Theotokos

Слайд 43 The relics of St. Basil.

The relics of St. Basil.

Слайд 44 A lot of Christians come to the Temple to

pray to the great Saints and get healed.

A lot of Christians come to the Temple to pray to the great Saints and get

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