Разделы презентаций

The role of sport in our life

Sport is a very important part of human life.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The role of sport in our life.

The role of sport in our life.

Слайд 2Sport is a very important part of human life.

Sport is a very important part of human life.

Слайд 3It is very popular among people of all ages.

It is very popular among people of all ages.

Слайд 4It makes people healthy and keeps them fit.

It makes people healthy and keeps them fit.

Слайд 5You know that physical training is a compulsory subject in

our schools.

You know that physical training is a compulsory subject in our schools.

Слайд 6Many schools have different playgrounds where children can play and

do exercises.

Many schools have different playgrounds where children can play and do exercises.

Слайд 7Many people do their morning exercises.

Many people do their morning exercises.

Слайд 8There are different kinds of sports:

There are different kinds of sports:

Слайд 9I like swimming and volleyball.
Sport helps people to be happy,

healthy, more organized and strong.
I like to dive very much.

like to swim in a swimming – pool which I attend every winter.
I like swimming and volleyball.Sport helps people to be happy, healthy, more organized and strong.I like to

Слайд 10Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!


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