Разделы презентаций

Come in and play!

Look and chooseA) aeroplaneB) elephantC) armchair

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Come in and play!
Spotlight 3 (Module 4)
Teacher Stukanskih N.V.

Come in and play!Spotlight 3 (Module 4)Teacher Stukanskih N.V.

Слайд 2Look and choose
A) aeroplane
B) elephant
C) armchair

Look and chooseA) aeroplaneB) elephantC) armchair

Слайд 3Look and choose
A) chair
B) desk
C) armchair

Look and chooseA) chairB) deskC) armchair

Слайд 4Look and choose
A) computer
B) musical box
C) rocking horse

Look and chooseA) computerB) musical boxC) rocking horse

Слайд 5Look and choose
A) armchair
B) elephant
C) computer

Look and chooseA) armchairB) elephantC) computer

Слайд 6Look and choose
A)tea set
B) rocking horse
C) musical box

Look and chooseA)tea setB) rocking horseC) musical box

Слайд 7Look and choose
A) doll
B) ball
C) desk

Look and chooseA) dollB) ballC) desk

Слайд 8Look and choose
A) aeroplane
B) elephant
C) armchair

Look and chooseA) aeroplaneB) elephantC) armchair

Слайд 9Look and choose
A) ball
B) doll

Look and chooseA) ballB) dollC) TV

Слайд 10Look and choose

Look and chooseA) PEB) TVC) PH

Слайд 11Look, read and complete: This, that, these, those
… is my


Look, read and complete: This, that, these, those… is my lamp.

Слайд 12Look, read and complete: This, that, these, those
… are my


Look, read and complete: This, that, these, those… are my chairs.

Слайд 13Look, read and complete: This, that, these, those
… are my


Look, read and complete: This, that, these, those… are my dolls.

Слайд 14Look, read and complete: This, that, these, those
…are my


Look, read and complete: This, that, these, those …are my balls.

Слайд 15Look, read and complete: This, that, these, those
… is my


Look, read and complete: This, that, these, those… is my radio.

Слайд 16Read and complete: a or an
… armchair
… lamp
… orange
… pencil

… bed
… aeroplane
… yellow doll

Read and complete: a or an… armchair… lamp… orange… pencil… elephant… bed… aeroplane… yellow doll

Слайд 17Read and choose
1. A: What’s this?
B: a) It’s

a book.
b) They are books.

A: What are those?
B: a) Dolls.
b) A doll.
Read and choose1. A: What’s this?  B: a) It’s a book.     b)

Слайд 18Read and choose
3. A: Whose is this pen?

a) It’s Ben’s.
b) It’s Ben.

A: Whose are these ?
B: a) It’s Rose’s.
b) They are Rose’s.
Read and choose3. A: Whose is this pen?  B: a) It’s Ben’s.

Слайд 19Look, read and complete.
This is my room! Look at my1)

… and 2)… aeroplane. It’s very nice. Can you see

my ball? It’s 3) …,4) … and 5) … . My chair and lamp are 6)… . And look at my funny bed! It looks like a 7) … car.
Look, read and complete.This is my room! Look at my1) … and 2)… aeroplane. It’s very nice.

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