Разделы презентаций

Computers in our life 10 класс

Warm Up!Do you have a computer at home?Can you use it?What can you do?Can you use the Internet?What do you use the Internet for?Do you like working with the computer? Why?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Автор: Кононыхина Е.С.
БОУ ТР ОО «Никольская СОШ»
Computers in our life

Автор: Кононыхина Е.С.БОУ ТР ОО «Никольская СОШ»Computers in our life

Слайд 2Warm Up!
Do you have a computer at home?
Can you use

What can you do?
Can you use the Internet?
What do you

use the Internet for?
Do you like working with the computer?
Why? Why not?
Do you know the names of computer parts in English?

If not…
Try to remember!

Warm Up!Do you have a computer at home?Can you use it?What can you do?Can you use the

Слайд 3“My computer’s crashed” (fill in the gaps)
Computer, computer,
I love my computer.

1)…, my 2) … , my 3)… .
I never have

I use it all day.
I never go out of the house.
Computer, computer,
I hate my computer.
My 4) … , my 5) … , my 6)… .
I always have problems.
It’s driving me crazy.
Computers make me want to scream.

“My computer’s crashed” (fill in the gaps)Computer, computer,I love my computer.My 1)…, my 2) … , my

Слайд 4Put the following computer operations in the correct order
a) Work

b) Close the application
c) Open the application
d) Print your work
e) Save your work on the hard disk
f) Switch off the computer,
the monitor and the printer
g) Switch on the computer,
the monitor and the printer


Put the following computer operations in the correct order a) Work

Слайд 5New addiction?


New addiction??AlcoholTVChocolateComputerDrugsCigarettes

Слайд 6What do you think of computers?
*extremely interesting

* exciting

* bad for your eyes
*waste of time *like drug
*useful * important * help to learn foreign languages *use English * help get information
*help do a lot of things faster and better *bad for your eyes *waste of time
*like drug * dangerous
*help connect people who lives so far away from each other *it saves time
*for all ages *play computer games
*educational games

As for me I think….
I think that….
To my mind the computer…
What do you think of computers?*extremely interesting          *

Слайд 7The rules of using computers

The rules of using computers

Слайд 8Write an opinion essay
Parents and teachers concerned with the dramatic

lowering of educational standards call for a limit on access

to computers for school children.

Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan:

make an introduction;
express your personal opinion and give reasons for it;
give arguments for the other point of view
and explain why you don’t agree with it;
draw a conclusion.

Write an opinion essayParents and teachers concerned with the dramatic lowering of educational standards call for a

Слайд 9Использованные ресурсы:
1) Шаблон презентации
2) Business English for Schools: Учебное пособие.

Элективный курс для 10-11 классов профильной школы.-Обнинск: Титул,2006.
3) New Millennium

English: учебник английского языка для 10 класса.- Обнинск: Титул,2005.
4) Программа курса английского языка. М.З.Биболетова, Е.Е. Бабушис . изд.Титул 2010г.
5) Видеоролик "Как правильно сидеть за компьютером" http://blog-pc.ru/kak-sidet-za-kompyuterom.htm

Использованные ресурсы: 1) Шаблон презентацииhttp://present.griban.ru/shablony.html2) Business English for Schools: Учебное пособие. Элективный курс для 10-11 классов профильной

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