Разделы презентаций


What is a conflict? A conflict - a clash of opposing goals,interests, opinions and views of people. It is a natural thing in our life.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2What is a conflict?
A conflict - a clash of

opposing goals,interests, opinions and views of people.

is a natural thing in our life.
What is a conflict? A conflict - a clash of opposing goals,interests, opinions and views of people.

Слайд 3Conflicts happen, because all people are different from each other.

Each person is unique in nature. Each of us has

our own habits, manners and beliefs.
Very often people have conflicts because they do not listen to each other well.
They don't think about what other people want.

Conflicts happen, because all people are different from each other. Each person is unique in nature. Each

Слайд 4Conflicts are different :

Conflicts are different :

Слайд 6
Conflicts between children and parents

Conflicts between children and parents

Слайд 8 Conflicts at work.

Conflicts at work.

Слайд 10How to resolve a conflict?
You should understand that other people

also have the right to be different from you.

yourself in the shoes of another person
You must respect the right of other people to have ideas that differ from your ideas.
Be just and tolerant people
You may solve all problems peacefully
I advise you to read books on psychology to better understand people.
How to resolve a conflict?You should understand that other people also have the right to be different

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