Разделы презентаций

Different kinds of travelling 7 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Different Kinds

Different Kinds of Travelling

Слайд 3The Plan of The Lesson

The Plan of The Lesson

Слайд 4A double-decker bus
A motorcycle
A van
A plane
An airship
A spaceship
A bicycle
A car

A helicopter
A train
A boat
A coach
A ship
A hot-air-balloon
New Words

A double-decker busA motorcycleA vanA planeAn airshipA spaceshipA bicycleA carA horseUndergroundA helicopterA trainA boatA coachA shipA hot-air-balloonNew

Слайд 5helicopter

helicopter airship

Слайд 6Plane

Plane car

Слайд 7underground

underground van

Слайд 8motorcycle

motorcycle boat

Слайд 9horse

horse coach bicycle

Слайд 10double decker bus

double decker bus spaceship

Слайд 11Look at the map. Guess how the winners are going

to travel from country to country. Write your thoughts down.

I think they’ll go from Great Britain to the USA by plane.

Look at the map. Guess how the winners are going to travel from country to country. Write

Слайд 13Look at the table and the list of words. Write

down the adjectives into the columns in the table.

Look at the table and the list of words. Write down the adjectives into the columns in

Слайд 14Let’s compare travelling by car, bike, plane, train and boat.

Read the examples.
Travelling by train is safer than travelling

by plane.
Travelling by bike is less expensive than travelling by car.
Travelling by car is more comfortable than travelling by bike.
Let’s compare travelling by car, bike, plane, train and boat. Read the examples. Travelling by train is

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