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English idioms

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Слайд 1English idioms

English idioms

Слайд 2Now learn
some idioms!

Now learn some idioms!

Слайд 3New words:
Stomach-желудок, живот
Short-handed - нуждающийся в помощи
To bend- сгибатьсяTo tolerate-терпеть,

Toe- палец на ноге
To be aware- сознавать
Thumb- большой палец руки

stretch the truth-преувеличивать
To face the music- отвечать за последствия
To brag- хвастаться
To boast-хвастаться
To praise-хвалить
New words:Stomach-желудок, животShort-handed - нуждающийся в помощиTo bend- сгибатьсяTo tolerate-терпеть, выноситьToe- палец на ногеTo be aware- сознаватьThumb-

Слайд 4I have butterflies in
My stomach
I am nervous about

I have butterflies inMy stomachI am nervous aboutsomething

Слайд 5I am short-handed
I do not have enough people
to help

I am short-handedI do not have enough peopleto help

Слайд 6He’s bending over
Backwards for you.
He is doing more than
Is necessary

He’s bending overBackwards for you.He is doing more thanIs necessary

Слайд 7This is where I draw
the line
I will not do

(or tolerate more)

This is where I draw the lineI will not do more(or tolerate more)

Слайд 8I’ll have to sleep on it
I will think about it

you know tomorrow

I’ll have to sleep on itI will think about itLet you know tomorrow

Слайд 9He’s backing out of it
He has changed his mind.
He will

not do it

He’s backing out of itHe has changed his mind.He will not do it

Слайд 10You’d better stay on your toes
Be aware

You’d better stay on your toesBe aware

Слайд 11Watch your mouth
Be careful what you say

Watch your mouthBe careful what you say

Слайд 12She has a green thumb
She is good at growing plants.

can grow plants.

She has a green thumbShe is good at growing plants.She can grow plants.

Слайд 13Don’t stretch the truth
Don’t turn the truth into a lie

Don’t stretch the truthDon’t turn the truth into a lie

Слайд 14He must put his foot down
He must insist and say

He must put his foot downHe must insist and say no

Слайд 15You really take the cake
You did a good job.

really win the prize

You really take the cakeYou did a good job. You really win the prize

Слайд 16He’ll have to face the music
He will pay for his


He’ll have to face the musicHe will pay for his mistake

Слайд 17He’s blowing his own horn
He is bragging about himself.
To boast

or praise oneself.

He’s blowing his own hornHe is bragging about himself.To boast or praise oneself.

Слайд 18Zip your lip
Don’t talk

Zip your lipDon’t talk

Слайд 19
Match each idioms with its meaning
1)Watch your mouth.

2)She has a green thumb.
3)Zip your lip.
4)Don’t stretch the truth.
5)I have butterflies in my stomach.
6)I’ll have to sleep on it.

A)I’m nervous about something.
B)I’ll think about it and let you know tomorrow.
C)Be careful what you say.
D)She can grow plants well.
E)Stop talking.
F)Don’t turn into a lie.

Match each idioms with its meaning1)Watch your mouth.

Слайд 20key
1c); 4f);


key1c);     4f);   2d);     5a);  3e);

Слайд 21Write the appropriate
Idiom under each picture

Write the appropriate Idiom under each picture


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