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Extraordinary minds of humanity 11 класс

Extraordinary [ɪksˈtrɔ:dnrɪ] 1. - выдающийся, замечательный; исключительный, редкий extraordinary beauty ≈ редкая красота, исключительная красота 2. - внештатный (о сотрудниках какого-л. учреждения)

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Extraordinary minds of humanity

Extraordinary minds of humanity

Слайд 2 Extraordinary [ɪksˈtrɔ:dnrɪ] 1. - выдающийся, замечательный; исключительный, редкий

extraordinary beauty ≈ редкая красота, исключительная красота 2. - внештатный

(о сотрудниках какого-л. учреждения) - полит., дипл. чрезвычайный 3. - чрезвычайный; экстраординарный, чрезмерный - необычный, странный; удивительный She is an extraordinary child. extraordinary beauty удивительная красота a man of extraordinary genius выдающийся талант, необычный, удивительный; странный, гений extraordinary remedies необычные средства what an extraordinary idea! что за странная мысль! extraordinary powers чрезвычайные полномочия extraordinary session чрезвычайная сессия, внеочередное заседание on extraordinary occasions в исключительных случаях; при особых обстоятельствах
Extraordinary [ɪksˈtrɔ:dnrɪ]   1. - выдающийся, замечательный; исключительный, редкий     extraordinary beauty

Слайд 3Translate into Russian:

extraordinary authority
an extraordinary achievement
her extraordinary beauty
extraordinary popularity
an extraordinary

capacity for work
an extraordinary session of the legislature

Translate into Russian:extraordinary authorityan extraordinary achievementher extraordinary beautyextraordinary popularityan extraordinary capacity for workan extraordinary session of the

Слайд 4Albert Einstein
I was ignored by my professors who did not

love me because of my independence and closed me a

way in science…
Albert EinsteinI was ignored by my professors who did not love me because of my independence and

Слайд 5Biography
Albert Einstein was born on March, 14, 1879 in South-German

town Ulm in not rich Jewish family.

Albert Einstein got primary

education at local catholic school.

In 1900 Einstein made off Polytechnic, getting the diploma of teacher of mathematics and physics.

on January, 6, 1903 Einstein married twenty seven year old Mileva Marich. They had three children.
BiographyAlbert Einstein was born on March, 14, 1879 in South-German town Ulm in not rich Jewish family.Albert

Слайд 6Pictures
Einstein in 14 years
Mileva Marich
Einstein is in a patent bureau

PicturesEinstein in 14 yearsMileva MarichEinstein is in a patent bureau

Слайд 7Scientific activity
Einstein is an author of more than 300 advanced

studies on physics, and also about 150 books and reasons

in area of history and philosophy of science, publicism and other. He developed a few considerable physical theories:

Special theory of relativity (1905).
law of intercommunication of mass and energy:
E = mc2.

General theory of relativity (1907—1916).
Quantum theory of photoeffect and heat capacity.

Scientific activityEinstein is an author of more than 300 advanced studies on physics, and also about 150

Слайд 8Scientific activity
Quantum statistics of Boze — Einstein.

Statistical theory of brownian

motion, pawning bases of theory of fluctuations.

Theory of induced radiation.


of dispersion of light on thermodynamics fluctuations in an environment.
Scientific activityQuantum statistics of Boze — Einstein.Statistical theory of brownian motion, pawning bases of theory of fluctuations.Theory

Слайд 9 Scientific activity
He also predicted «quantum teleportation» and gyromagnetic effect

of Einstein — de Khaaza. From 1933 worked under the

problems of cosmology and single theory of the field. Actively argued against war, against application of nuclear weapon, for humanism, respect of human rights, mutual understanding between people.

A deciding role in popularization and introduction to the scientific turn of new physical conceptions and theories belongs to Einstein. Above all things it behaves to the revision of understanding of physical essence of space and time and to the construction of new theory of gravitation instead of newtonian. Einstein also, together with Plankom, pawned bases of quantum theory. These conceptions, repeatedly confirmed experiments, form foundation of modern physics.
Scientific activityHe also predicted «quantum teleportation» and gyromagnetic effect of Einstein — de Khaaza. From 1933

Слайд 10 Rewards and bonuses
Nobel bonus on physics (1921):

merits before theoretical physics and especially for explanation of

law of photo-electric effect».

Medal of Kopli.

Medal of Planka.
Rewards and bonusesNobel bonus on physics (1921):  «For merits before theoretical physics and  especially

Слайд 11 Scientist, inverting presentations

of humanity about to Universe, Albert Einstein died on April,

18, 1955 at 1 o'clock 25 minutes, in Prinstone from aneurysm of aorta. In extreme moments he pronounced a few words in German, but the American trained nurse was not able to reproduce them then. Perceiving no forms of cult of personality, he forbade a magnificent burial with loud ceremonies, wished for a place and time of burial place was not divulged. On April, 19, 1955 the funerals of great scientist with only 12 closest friends took a place without wide publicity. His body was burned out in the crematorium of Ying cemetery, and an ash was blown about down the wind.
Scientist, inverting presentations of humanity about to Universe, Albert Einstein

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