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Family Duties (презентация)

Family Duties Открытый урок в группе №132 Подготовила:

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Family Duties

Открытый урок в группе №132
Подготовила: преподаватель
английского языка

Савченко Елена Викторовна

Family Duties

Слайд 3Do you remember the words beginning with:
Dd - ….
Mm -

Ww - …
Gg - …
Tt - …

Do you remember the words beginning with:Dd - ….Mm - …Ww - …Gg - …Tt - …

Слайд 4do the washing up -
2. vacuum the carpet –

3. wash the windows –
4. dust the furniture -

5. do the laundry -
6. sweep the floor -
7. take out the rubbish -
do the washing up - 2. vacuum the carpet – 3. wash the windows – 4. dust

Слайд 51. do the washing up – C
2. vacuum the carpet

– D
3. wash the windows – E
4. dust the furniture

- A
5. do the laundry - B
6. sweep the floor - F
7. take out the rubbish - THE ODD WORD
1. do the washing up – C2. vacuum the carpet – D3. wash the windows – E4.

Слайд 6Match the combinations for some common chores:

Do a. the beds
Do b. the

dinner ready
Dust c. the floor
Get d. the furniture
Sweep e. the ironing
Lay f. the

Make g. the washing-up

Match the combinations for some common chores:Do				a. the bedsDo				b. the dinner readyDust			c. the floorGet				d. the furnitureSweep 			e.

Слайд 7Match the combinations for some common chores:

Do a. the beds
Do b. the

dinner ready
Dust c. the floor
Get d. the furniture
Sweep e. the ironing
Lay f. the

Make g. the washing-up

Match the combinations for some common chores:Do				a. the bedsDo				b. the dinner readyDust			c. the floorGet				d. the furnitureSweep 			e.

Слайд 8Family Duties

Family Duties

Слайд 9Check the dialogue
- John, listen, why don’t you relax today?

Let’s go to the cinema!
- Sorry, but I can’t. I’m

cleaning my dad’s car. And what are you doing, Ben?
- Oh, how poor you are! I’m playing computers games now. What are you going to do then?
- I’m going to help my granny in the garden then.
- And what about your sister Mary?
- Oh, Mary is too little. She’s only 4, so she can’t help us. And what are you going to do then?
- I’m going to have some sandwiches and a can of cola. I have to go now.
- Bye-bye, Ben! See you later!
- Bye, John!

Check the dialogue- John, listen, why don’t you relax today? Let’s go to the cinema!- Sorry, but

Слайд 10View your work.

View your work.

Слайд 11Thank you!

Thank you!

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