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" Litarary Places of Saint Petersburg"

Alexander Pushkin

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Literary exploration of Russia from

St. Petersburg
I.S. Turgenen
A.S. Pushkin
F. Dostoevsky


N. Nekrasov

A. Akhmatova

I. Krylov

N. Gogol

A. Blok

V. Nabokov

I. Brodsky

E. Uspensky

M. Lermontov

S. Marshak

Literary exploration of Russia from            St.

Слайд 2

Alexander Pushkin

Alexander Pushkin

Слайд 3 Imperial

Lycee in Tzarskoe Selo

Imperial Lycee in Tzarskoe Selo

Слайд 4 The house at 12, Moyka River Embankment,

home of the Alexander Pushkin Apartment-Museum
Alexander Pushkin study
Exhibition entitled Pushkin.

His life and art

Manuscripts and sketches
by the great poet

The house at 12, Moyka River Embankment,  home of the Alexander Pushkin Apartment-MuseumAlexander

Слайд 5City of Peter, just you shine
And stand unshakable as Russia!

make a peace with beauty, thine,
The conquered nature’s casual rushes;

let the Finnish waves forget
Their ancient bondages and malice
And not disturb with their hate senseless
The endless sleep of Peter, great
The Bronze Horseman

City of Peter, just you shineAnd stand unshakable as Russia!May make a peace with beauty, thine,The conquered

Слайд 6«Summer garden is my vegetable garden»
Pushkin liked to walk in

the summer garden because he lived not far from here.

He had written to his wife: «Summer garden is my vegetable garden. I get up and go here in my home dress and home shoes. And in the afternoon I sleep here , read and write/ Here I am at Home.».
«Summer garden is my vegetable garden»Pushkin liked to walk in the summer garden because he lived not

Слайд 7Memorial of Pushkin in Saint Petersburg

Memorial of Pushkin in Saint Petersburg

Слайд 8 Ivan Turgenev Russian- realist,

writer, poet,

essayist, play wright, translator 1818-1883
Ivan Turgenev Russian- realist, writer, poet,

Слайд 9 Statue of writer Ivan Turgenev on

Manezhnaya Ploshchad

The tomb of Turgenev
in Saint Petersburg
Statue of writer Ivan Turgenev on

Слайд 10 Fjodor Dostoevsky


Fjodor Dostoevsky

Слайд 11The first house of F. Dostoevsky

Engineering calstle
(now is Mikhalovsky castle)

Vladimirsky Prospekt
Here lived F. Dostoevsky from 1842
till 1846 and here was written
his novel ,, Poor people,,

Here he lived till his death and here was written
the novel ,, Brothers Karamasovs,,

The first house of F. Dostoevsky     Engineering calstle (now is Mikhalovsky castle)

Слайд 12 Memorial Museum of


in Saint Petersburg at Kuznechny Lane

The interior s of the world famous writer’s latest

Memorial Museum of Dostoevsky

Слайд 13House of the Lender Lady
at 104 Griboedova Canal
Raskolnikov House

house at 73 Griboedova Canal,
where Sonya Marmeladova used to

House of the Lender Lady at 104 Griboedova CanalRaskolnikov HouseThe house at 73 Griboedova Canal, where Sonya

Слайд 14 Dostoevsky’s memorials in St. Petersburg

Dostoevsky’s memorials in St. Petersburg

Слайд 15Nicolay Alekseyevich Nekrasov 1821-1877

Nicolay Alekseyevich Nekrasov       1821-1877

Слайд 16Nekrasov Memorial Apartment-Museum

in Saint Petersburg

Nekrasov Memorial Apartment-Museum            in Saint Petersburg

Слайд 17Nekrasov’s Memorials in St. Petersburg

Nekrasov’s Memorials in St. Petersburg

Слайд 18

Anna Akhmatova

Anna Akhmatova

Слайд 19Apartment Museum of Anna Akhmatova

Apartment Museum of Anna Akhmatova

Слайд 20The darkest days of the year
Must become the most clear.

can't find words to compare -
Your lips are so tender

and dear.

Only to raise your eyes do not dare,
Keeping the life of me.
They're lighter than vials premier,
And deadlier for me.

I understand now, that we need no words,
The snowed branches are light, and more,
The bird catcher, to catch birds,
Has laid nets on the river shore.

The darkest days of the yearMust become the most clear.I can't find words to compare -Your lips

Слайд 21

Sergey Esenin
Liteyny 33, here lived S. Esenin 1817-1818
Fontanka embankment,

house Averjanov

The Hotel Angleterre

Sergey EseninLiteyny 33, here lived S. Esenin

Слайд 23 Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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