Разделы презентаций

"Kazakhstan" lesson

1. Knowledge aim: to introduce students Kazakhstan that is our Motherland, to enlarge knowledge about Kazakhstan 2. Development aim: to develop speaking abilities in

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The theme of the lesson:

The theme of the lesson:  Kazakhstan

Слайд 2 1. Knowledge aim:
to introduce students Kazakhstan

that is our Motherland, to enlarge knowledge about Kazakhstan

2. Development aim:
to develop speaking abilities in speech, to develop students’ interest in the foreign language, to develop thinking
3.Bringing up:
to enlarge country studying knowledge and educated the feeling of love towads our Motherland

Aims of the lesson:

1. Knowledge aim:  to introduce students Kazakhstan that is our Motherland, to enlarge knowledge

Слайд 3The kind of the lesson:
Traditional with using game technology

type of the lesson:
Presentation lesson

The kind of the lesson: Traditional with using game technologyThe type of the lesson: Presentation lesson

Слайд 4The method of the lesson:

Interactive methods
Group work
Pair work

The method of the lesson:Answer-questionAssociation GameInteractive methodsGroup workPair work

Слайд 5Organization moment
Warm up
Checking up the home work
Presentation of the new

Practice (Reading, writing)
Home work
Giving marks
The procedure of the lesson:

Organization momentWarm upChecking up the home workBrainstormingPresentation of the new materialPractice (Reading, writing)ConclusionHome work Giving marksThe procedure

Слайд 6Good morning students! I’m glad to see you.
Who is on

duty today?
I’ m on duty today.
Who is absent?
All are present.

let’s divide into 2 groups.

Organization moment

Good morning students! I’m glad to see you.Who is on duty today?I’ m on duty today.Who is

Слайд 7My name is…[ K ]
My friend’s name is …[K ]

…[ K ]
I live in … [ K ]
We sell

… [ K ]

II.Warm up

My name is…[ K ]My friend’s name is …[K ]I’m …[ K ]I live in … [

Слайд 8
St.1 St.2
Dialogue about ecology

Making words

– “Ecologicalproblems”

Checking up the home work

St.1   St.2  Dialogue about ecology Making words – “Ecologicalproblems”Checking up the home work

Слайд 9Do you know the anthem of Kazakhstan?
Yes, sure
Then, Let’s sing

the anthem
of Kazakhstan
How do you think what is the

theme of the today’s lesson
I think that is about


Do you know the anthem of Kazakhstan?Yes, sureThen, Let’s sing the anthem of KazakhstanHow do you think

Слайд 10The presentation of the new material



democratic soverign


peace loving
multinational International


The presentation of  the new material   Independent     beautiful

Слайд 11Reading
Kazakhstan is my Motheland

Reading Kazakhstan is my Motheland

Слайд 12Group work
Speaking about "Kazakhstan" and "Astana"

Group work AstanaKazakhstanSpeaking about

Слайд 13
1. Game “Who am I”
2. 5 lines poem


1. Game “Who am I”2.  5 lines poemConclusion

Слайд 14

Am I young or old?
Am I alive or dead?
Am I

actor ?

(actress writer, athlete, leader)
Am I


Who am I ?

Am I young or old?Am I alive or dead?Am I actor ?   (actress writer, athlete,

Слайд 151. Kazakhstan
2. beautiful, peaceful, large, multinational, friendly
3. to be situated

, to grow, to border
4. Kazakhstan is rich

with mineral resources
5. Motherland (Country)

5 lines poem

1. Kazakhstan2. beautiful, peaceful, large, multinational, friendly3. to be situated , to grow, to border4. Kazakhstan

Слайд 16Ex: 4
Writing stories about
Home work

Ex: 4Writing stories about AstanaHome work

Слайд 171

Giving marks:

1345Giving marks:

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