Разделы презентаций

Fast Food

Fast Food:Pros and Cons

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Презентация на тему: Fast Food

Презентация на тему: Fast Food

Слайд 2Fast Food:
Pros and Cons

Fast Food:Pros and Cons

Слайд 31. Revision the words on the topic “Fast food”.

2. Reading

the information about fast food.

3. Listening to the David’s opinion

about fast food.

4. Discussing advantages and disadvantages of fast food

1. Revision the words on the topic “Fast food”.2. Reading the information about fast food.3. Listening to

Слайд 4Презентация подготовлена
учителем английского языка
МБОУ СОШ п. Солидарность
Елецкого района Липецкой области

Натальей Николаевной
УМК М. З. Биболетовой и др. Enjoy English 5

- 6
Презентация подготовленаучителем английского языкаМБОУ СОШ п. СолидарностьЕлецкого района Липецкой областиКирсановой Натальей НиколаевнойУМК М. З. Биболетовой и др.

Слайд 6Nowadays
there are more than 30,000 ‘Mc Donald’s’ restaurants

119 countries.

In the Russian Federation 66 – 70 % of

people attend
fast food restaurants , especially young people.

Nowadays there are more than 30,000 ‘Mc Donald’s’ restaurants in 119 countries.In the Russian Federation 66 –

Слайд 7Popular companies producing fast food

Popular companies producing fast food

Слайд 8hamburger


Слайд 9hot dog

hot dog

Слайд 11French-fried potatoes
fish and chips

French-fried potatoesfish and chips

Слайд 12chips
Averagely for a year chips are eaten:
the Russian – 0.5

the European – 1 – 5 kgs
the American – 10

the Ukrainian – 1.8 – 2.5 kgs
chipsAveragely for a year chips are eaten:the Russian – 0.5 kgthe European – 1 – 5 kgsthe

Слайд 14obesity


Слайд 15obesity


Слайд 16Fast food is bad for brain
Fast food is bad for

Fast food is bad for stomach

Fast food is bad for brainFast food is bad for heartFast food is bad for stomach

Слайд 19Live fa(s)t, die young!

Live fa(s)t, die young!

Слайд 20It’s your choice!

It’s your choice!

Слайд 211. The first fast food restaurants appeared in … in

… .

2. Nowadays fast food is popular not only in

but also … .
3. There are a lot of kinds of fast food: … .

4. Fast food is … for our health.

5. If you want to be healthy eat … .

1. The first fast food restaurants appeared in … in … .2. Nowadays fast food is popular

Слайд 221. Does David prefer to eat fast food?
2. What does

he usually eat for dinner?
3. What does he usually drink?

Does he like to eat while watching TV in his room?
5. Do you prefer fast food?
6. What kinds of fast food do you prefer?
7. What do you like to drink?
8. Do you like to eat while watching TV?

1. Does David prefer to eat fast food?2. What does he usually eat for dinner?3. What does

Слайд 23Wonderful!
What a bore!

Wonderful! So-so!What a bore!

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