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Film Review

I Am Legent (2007), directed by Francis Lawrence. Is fantasy, thriller, drama film. The main stars are Will Smith (Robert Nevyll) and his dog Sam (Samanta).

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Слайд 1Film Review
I Am Legend

Film ReviewI Am Legend

Слайд 2I Am Legent (2007), directed by Francis Lawrence. Is fantasy,

thriller, drama film.
The main stars are Will Smith (Robert

Nevyll) and his dog Sam (Samanta).

I Am Legent (2007), directed by Francis Lawrence. Is fantasy, thriller, drama film. The main stars are

Слайд 3In New York an unknown virus that killed half the

population of the globe and the other half turned into

a vampire or zombie.

In New York an unknown virus that killed half the population of the globe and the other

Слайд 4The plot is built around the only surviving person with

unexplained immunity, nights holding endless siege of ghouls, and the

day trying to find an antidote, and find out the causes of the epidemic.

The plot is built around the only surviving person with unexplained immunity, nights holding endless siege of

Слайд 5However, most of the special effects are excellent and the

acting is good as well.

However, most of the special effects are excellent and the acting is good as well.

Слайд 6I really enjoyed I Am Legend. It’s really a good


I really enjoyed I Am Legend. It’s really a good film.

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