Разделы презентаций

Friends forever

Friendship means to trust each other, keep secrets, get together.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Friends forever

Friends forever

Слайд 2Friendship means to trust each other, keep secrets, get together.

Friendship means to trust each other, keep secrets, get together.

Слайд 3each will be written of if they did not do

their homework, he will share with you a candy if

he has one
each will be written of if they did not do their homework, he will share with you

Слайд 4you always understand your friends. You know that they will

be able to help you when you are in need

you always understand your friends. You know that they will be able to help you when you

Слайд 5best friends are fun to be with, sometimes we can

laugh for an hour

best friends are fun to be with, sometimes we can laugh for an hour

Слайд 6you are my friend

you are my friend

Слайд 7friend can always forgive you if you have done something


friend can always forgive you if you have done something wrong

Слайд 8friends trust each other, and always when they are together

they have a smile on their faces

friends trust each other, and always when they are together they have a smile on their faces

Слайд 9when you have a bad mood they will be able

to pick it up for you

when you have a bad mood they will be able to pick it up for you

Слайд 11even when you're just walking down the street you feel

at ease next to friends

even when you're just walking down the street you feel at ease next to friends

Слайд 12friends will congratulate you with Happy Birthday so much fun,

that you will not forget it ever

friends will congratulate you with Happy Birthday so much fun, that you will not forget it ever

Слайд 13friend is always offer a helping hand and ready to

help you, he will try to understand you

friend is always offer a helping hand and ready to help you, he will try to understand

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