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Газеты в Великобритании и США 8 класс

Types of newspapers in the usa and Britain

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Презентация к уроку английского языка «газеты в великоБритании и США»

для 8 класса Учитель английского языка МБОУ «Веселовская СОШ» Жиленко Екатерина Сергеевна

Презентация к уроку английского языка  «газеты в великоБритании и США» для 8 класса Учитель английского языка

Слайд 2Types of newspapers in the usa and Britain

Types of newspapers in the usa and Britain

Слайд 3What are the popular nespapers in Great Britain?
News of the

The Sun
Daily Mail
The Lancet

What are the popular nespapers in Great Britain?News of the worldThe SunDaily MailMirrorThe LancetNature

Слайд 4“News of the world”
The newspaper has a large circulation

– about 4,4 millions copies.

“News of the world”  The newspaper has a large circulation – about 4,4 millions copies.

Слайд 5“the Sun” – daily newspaper
It’s circulation is more than 4

millions copies.

“the Sun” – daily newspaperIt’s circulation is more than 4 millions copies.

Слайд 6“Daily mail”
It’s circulation is more than 2 millions copies.

“Daily mail” It’s circulation is more than 2 millions copies.

Слайд 7“mirror – daily newspaper”
It’s circulation is more than 2 millions


“mirror – daily newspaper”It’s circulation is more than 2 millions copies.

Слайд 8there are a lot of newspapers devoted to art and

cultural life in England.

there are a lot of newspapers devoted to art and cultural life in England.

Слайд 9political and economic magazines of England

political and economic magazines of England

Слайд 10Types of newspapers in Britain:
Daily newspapers
National newspapers
Quality papers(The Times, Daily

Telegraph, The Guardian, Financial Times, The Independent)

Sundays newspapers(Observer, Sunday Times,

Sunday Telegraph, News of the World, Sunday Express, Sunday Mirror, Mail on Sunday)
Local newspapers
Popular newspapers (Daily Express, Daily mail, Daily Mirror, Daily Star, The Sun)

Types of newspapers in Britain:Daily newspapersNational newspapersQuality papers(The Times, Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, Financial Times, The Independent)TabloidsSundays

Слайд 11The most popular newspapers in the usa

The most popular newspapers in the usa

Слайд 12Источник:


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