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Golden gate жарыс сабақ


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The theme:
The Golden gate

The theme:The Golden gate

Слайд 2 The stone gate

The stone gate

Слайд 31. Give the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives:


1. Give the comparative and  superlative forms of these adjectives: little

Слайд 4 Positive comparative


less the least
Positive      comparative       superlative Little

Слайд 5much
1. Give the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives:

much1. Give the comparative and  superlative forms of these adjectives:

Слайд 6 Positive comparative superlative


the most
Positive    comparative   superlative much

Слайд 7good
1. Give the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives:

good1. Give the comparative and  superlative forms of these adjectives:

Слайд 8 Positive comparative superlative


the best
Positive     comparative   superlativegood

Слайд 9bad
1. Give the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives:

bad1. Give the comparative and  superlative forms of these adjectives:

Слайд 10 Positive comparative


worse the worst
Positive     comparative     superlativebad

Слайд 11interesting
1. Give the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives:

interesting1. Give the comparative and  superlative forms of these adjectives:

Слайд 12 Positive comparative

Interesting more

the most
interesting interesting

Positive      comparative       superlativeInteresting

Слайд 13begin
1. Give three forms of the verbs.

begin1. Give three forms of the verbs.

Слайд 14 Begin – began - begun

Begin – began - begun

Слайд 15learn
1. Give three forms of the verbs.

learn1. Give three forms of the verbs.

Слайд 16Learn – learnt - learnt

Learn – learnt - learnt

Слайд 17bring
1. Give three forms of the verbs.

bring1. Give three forms of the verbs.

Слайд 18 bring – brought - brought

bring – brought - brought

Слайд 19make
1. Give three forms of the verbs.

make1. Give three forms of the verbs.

Слайд 20make – made - made

make – made - made

Слайд 21do
1. Give three forms of the verbs.

do1. Give three forms of the verbs.

Слайд 22 do – did - done

do – did - done

Слайд 23have
1. Give three forms of the verbs.

have1. Give three forms of the verbs.

Слайд 24 have – had - had

have – had - had

Слайд 25know
1. Give three forms of the verbs.

know1. Give three forms of the verbs.

Слайд 26Know – knew - known

Know – knew - known

Слайд 27leave
1. Give three forms of the verbs.

leave1. Give three forms of the verbs.

Слайд 28Leave – left - left

Leave – left - left

Слайд 29meet
1. Give three forms of the verbs.

meet1. Give three forms of the verbs.

Слайд 30Meet – met - met

Meet – met - met

Слайд 31The silver gate

The silver gate

Слайд 321. Answer the questions
a) When is Christmas celebrated in Great

Christmas is celebrated in Great Britain on the 25 –

th of December.

b) What kind of dishes the family members eat in this day?

In this day family members eat a big turkey, Christmas Pudding and Christmas cake.

c) Where is London situated?

London is situated on the both banks of the River Thames.

d) What is the Westminster?

Westminster is the historic centre of government.

1. Answer the questionsa) When is Christmas celebrated in Great Britain?Christmas is celebrated in Great Britain on

Слайд 332. How many words can you make with

these prefexces
dis –
re -

2. How many words   can you make   with these prefexcesdis – re -

Слайд 34How do you guess the riddles
I have a face
I have

two hands
I have no feet
But I can run
What am I

How do you guess the riddlesI have a faceI have two handsI have no feetBut I can

Слайд 35We have friends.
They cannot walk and cannot see.

they are very good to you and me.
With these

friends we sail on ships and ride on trains and even fly in airplanes.
These friends show us towns, seas and lands.
Can you guess who are these good friends?
We have friends. They cannot walk and cannot see. But they are very good to you and

Слайд 36What is that which
occurs twice in a
moment, once in a

not once in a
thousand years?
The letter “M”

What is that whichoccurs twice in amoment, once in aminute and not once in athousand years?The letter

Слайд 37Five sons with
one name.

Five sons with one name.

Слайд 38It is not a man
It is not a woman,

it teaches me.

It is not a man It is not a woman,But it teaches me.

Слайд 39
Pupils and teachers
write on me with chalk.
I can’t

write, I can’t talk.

Pupils and teachers write on me with chalk.I can’t write, I can’t talk.

Слайд 40It lasted 45 minutes.
A lesson

It lasted 45 minutes.A lesson

Слайд 41I have for legs,
but I can’t walk

A table

I have for legs,   but I can’t walk A table

Слайд 42Higher than a house,
Higher than a tree –
Oh, what

ever can that be?
A star

Higher than a house,Higher than a tree – Oh, what ever can that be?A star

Слайд 43It gives us milk,
And butter too
It’s very kind
And likes to


It gives us milk,And butter tooIt’s very kindAnd likes to moo.

Слайд 44The Golden gate

The Golden gate

Слайд 451. Answer the questions
a) What is the centre of the

solar system?
The Sun is the centre of the solar system.

b) How many planets are there in the solar system?

There are seven planets in the solar system.

c) What is the capital of Japan?

The capital of Japan is Tokio.

d) What nationality live in Egypt?

Egyptians lives in Egypt.

1. Answer the questionsa) What is the centre of the solar system?The Sun is the centre of

Слайд 46Match the sentences
1) If he is not well tomorrow ….

You will miss the bus…
3) If the weather is fine…

I shall go to Japan next summer…

If I have enough money.

We’ll go out for a walk.

If you don’t hurry.

He’ll stay at home

Match the sentences1) If he is not well tomorrow ….2) You will miss the bus…3) If the

Слайд 47Magic box
Read and translate the idiom into Russian and Kazakh.


bees no honey, no work no money”

Magic boxRead and translate the idiom into Russian and Kazakh.“No bees no honey, no work no money”

Слайд 48No bees no honey, no work no money.
Под лежачий камень

и вода не течет.
Жатқанға жан жуымас.

No bees no honey, no work no money.Под лежачий камень и вода не течет.Жатқанға жан жуымас.

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