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Hip-Hop Culture

History of developmentThis culture appeared comparatively recently, approximately 30 years back . It was engendered in America and Canada.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Hip-Hop Culture

Hip-Hop Culture

Слайд 2History of development
This culture appeared comparatively recently, approximately 30 years

back . It was engendered in America and Canada.

History of developmentThis culture appeared comparatively recently, approximately 30 years back . It was engendered in America

Слайд 3Clothes
Clothes are comfortable and wide. Mainly is its reliability and

comfort. Dressed even synthetic clothes on for the improvement of

ClothesClothes are comfortable and wide. Mainly is its reliability and comfort. Dressed even synthetic clothes on for

Слайд 4Dance
Hip-Hop gives a lot of possibilities for improvisation and self-expression.

Sometimes easy and smooth, sometimes hard and aggressive - this

dance will always find the veritable admirers. They differ predilection to break-dance, to graffiti, sporting spacious clothes and shoe.
DanceHip-Hop gives a lot of possibilities for improvisation and self-expression. Sometimes easy and smooth, sometimes hard and

Слайд 5It is a bright generation of modern youth which freely

expresses the emotions by street dances.

It is a bright generation of modern youth which freely expresses the emotions by street dances.

Слайд 6Music
Hip-Hop Music differs widely from other types of music. It

differs dense basses and steady rate. Hip-Hop Music united in

itself the great number of different types of music.
MusicHip-Hop Music differs widely from other types of music. It differs dense basses and steady rate. Hip-Hop

Слайд 7Culture
This culture is very various. They like to use narcotic

facilities. Almost all of representatives of this culture from unsuccessful

families. Many are involved in crimes.
CultureThis culture is very various. They like to use narcotic facilities. Almost all of representatives of this

Слайд 8This subculture is very famous in our time. Many teenagers

of the whole world want to be part of it.

Many of them even become famous to due to Hip-Hop Dance and Hip-Hop Music!
This subculture is very famous in our time. Many teenagers of the whole world want to be


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