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How do you treat the earth

What does “ecology” mean?Ecology is a science about nature and about relation of man with it.Practically, it is a science studying whether we, human being, keep our common house, our planet

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Слайд 1

Слайд 2What does “ecology” mean?
Ecology is a science about nature and

about relation of man with it.
Practically, it is a science

studying whether we, human being, keep our common house, our planet Earth, in a good state and how we use the gifts it is giving us: water, air, land, plants, animals and minerals.
Ecology is a science which studies the relationship between all forms of life on our planet with its environment.
What does “ecology” mean?Ecology is a science about nature and about relation of man with it.Practically, it

Слайд 5Land, air, water are important for flowers, trees, animals, birds,

fish and people. But what’s happening now?
A lot of rivers and

lakes are polluted
Sea animals are hurt

Air pollution is not reduced

Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect

The forests are cut down
When the forests disappear many animals are disturbed
Most of the countryside is spoiled

Land, air, water are important for flowers, trees, animals, birds, fish and people. But what’s happening now?AirWaterLandA


pollute the air. – We change the climate.
We leave a

fire. – We destroyed the forest.
We throw away plastic bottles. – We damage nature.
We leave litter in the forests. – We hurt animals.
We break trees. – We disturb birds.
We don’t recycle paper. – We cut down trees to make new paper.
We throw litter in the rivers and seas. – We cause water pollution.
We leave glass bottles in the forest. – We hurt animals and people.

Слайд 7You can often come across these international signs:
Keep your

country tidy!

Keep off the grass!
Keep dogs under control!
Respect the

life and work of the countryside!

Protect nature!

Put your litter in the bin!

You can often come across these international signs: Keep your country tidy!Keep off the grass!Keep dogs under

Слайд 8British and American children learn a lot about the environment

at school. All of them remember the three R’s:
What can

or must we
(использовать заново)

We can reduce using electricity.
We can reduce using water.
We must recycle cartons.
We must reuse glass bottles.
We can recycle newspapers.
We must recycle paper.
We can recycle plastic containers.

All these actions help to reduce pollution, deforestation and not to damage the nature.

British and American children learn a lot about the environment at school. All of them remember the

Слайд 9“To hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself “

Do you agree with this statement?

Why not? Give your examples.

This is teen’s opinion:
I agree with this statement “to hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself” because the Earth is our home. Everything is connected. When we pollute air and water we spoil the things we use because we breath this air and drink this water. If the balance in nature is destroyed we will die too.

“To hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself “   Do you agree with this statement?

Слайд 1022 April - Earth Day Do you know this holiday?

There are

over 300 nature centres in British cities. There are a

lot of environment groups: Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and others.

What are these groups’ concerns?

Join us and clean the Earth!
Make the world a better place!
Taking care of the Earth is everybody’s business!

22 April - Earth Day Do you know this holiday?There are over 300 nature centres in British

Слайд 11Greenpeace
It is an international environmental organization, started in the 1960s

in Canada. It has a policy of non – violent

direct actions. Greenpeace message is “When the last tree is cut down and the last fish killed, the last river poisoned, then you will see that you can’t eat money.”
GreenpeaceIt is an international environmental organization, started in the 1960s in Canada. It has a policy of

Слайд 12Friends of the Earth (the FOE)
It is an environmental pressure group.

This organization was founded in the UK in 1971. The

aim of the group is to protect the environment. The main concerns are air, sea, river and land pollution; recycling, etc. “Friends of the Earth” has branches in 30 countries.
Friends of the Earth (the FOE)It is an environmental pressure group. This organization was founded in the

Слайд 14The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

RSPCA (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to

Animals) is an organization (a charity) in Britain . The members of this organization protect animals.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsThe RSPCA (The Royal Society for the Prevention

Слайд 15Do you know about national parks in Russia?
Now there are

23 national parks and 84 nature reserves in Russia. National

parks protect the countryside and allow people to enjoy plants, animals and birds. Nature reserves protect plants, animals and birds. But people are not allowed to visit nature reserves.

Do you know about national parks  in Russia?Now there are 23 national parks and 84 nature

Слайд 16Valday is a national park in Novgorodskaya region. It was

founded in 1990. Bears, wolves, foxes, otters are protected there.

People come there to enjoy the countryside and to visit two beautiful lakes: Valday and Seliger.

Valday is a national park in Novgorodskaya region. It was founded in 1990. Bears, wolves, foxes, otters

Слайд 17Losiny Ostrov is a national park north-east of Moscow. 48

kinds of animals are protected there: deer, foxes, otters and

others. There are about 200 kinds of birds. It was founded in 1983 for people to enjoy the countryside.

Losiny Ostrov is a national park north-east of Moscow. 48 kinds of animals are protected there: deer,

Слайд 18Barguzinsky nature reserve was the first nature reserve in Russia.

It was founded in 1916. In is 2480 square km.

Lake Baikal is situated there. The nature reserve was founded to protect sable.

Barguzinsky nature reserve was the first nature reserve in Russia. It was founded in 1916. In is

Слайд 19There are many national parks in Britain and the USA

The fist national park appeared in the USA in 1872.

It was Yellowstone. In Britain the first national park was founded in 1949. Now there are more than a dozen parks in the USA and ten parks in England and Wales. National parks protect the countryside and allow people to enjoy plants, animals and birds.
There are many national parks in Britain and the USA The fist national park appeared in the

Слайд 20One of the most interesting parks in the USA is

the Everglades in Florida. Its wildlife is enjoyed by many

naturalists and tourists. Water birds, snakes, alligators, wildcats, fish, cypress trees are protected in the Everglades.

One of the most interesting parks in the USA is the Everglades in Florida. Its wildlife is

Слайд 21The Lake District is the largest national park in Britain.

It is one of the most beautiful, attractive and popular

places in Britain. It has Windermere, the longest lake in England, and Scafell, the highest mountain in England. A lot of tourists come there to go boating, cycle, fish and just to walk.
The Lake District is the largest national park in Britain. It is one of the most beautiful,

Слайд 22Are you worried about nature?
The Earth is more than the

place we call home. The Earth is our environment. It

means that the land, air, water and wildlife that surround us affect the way we live. And the way we live affects the natural world outside our front door. A lot of people understand this and see urgent environmental problems. 52% think that water pollution is a problem. 43% think that when trees are cut down it is a problem. Air pollution is a problem for 32%.
Are you worried about nature?The Earth is more than the place we call home. The Earth is

Слайд 23Who is in Charge of the Planet?
A lot of people

think about the future of the planet. Some people take

care of animals, others take care of birds, others are in charge of forests.

I think children can help the planet. They can recycle. They can plant trees and help animals. If they don’t leave litter and don’t damage wildlife the nature is not spoiled.
It is important that children should take part in saving Earth.
We are in charge of the planet because we all pollute it and I think that we all should try to help it.

Who is in Charge of the Planet?A lot of people think about the future of the planet.

Слайд 24The Earth Is Our Home
How beautiful is our Planet!

The Earth Is Our HomeHow beautiful is our Planet!

Слайд 25Protect Our Furry Friends
Never buy products made from endangered animals.

everyone you know not to buy real fur.
Volunteer to work

at your local Zoo or animal shelter.           

Protect Our Furry Friends Never buy products made from endangered animals.Persuade everyone you know not to buy

Слайд 26The Baltic, a Sea Of Waste
    Pollution is a serious

problem. It effect everyone every day. Where does the pollution

come from? Is it only factories, big ships and cars that pollute? No, it is you and me as well. If you drop litter, you pollute. That's how it begins. What happens when millions of people do the same thing?
    Most big cities pour their waste into seas and rivers. The first alarm came from Japan. Some sixty people died as they had eaten polluted fish.
       The Baltic is a special case. Because it is such a small sea it becomes dirty very easily. Its water changes slowly. As many as 250 rivers run into the Baltic. There are hundreds of factories on these rivers and millions of people live along them. Seven industrial countries surround the Baltic. A lot of big cities lie on its coast. All of this combined with the active navigation of the affects the state of the sea water and the shore line flora and fauna.    
        It is difficult to clean it now. Fortunately all the countries in the Baltic area have realized the problem. They cooperate in solving ecological problems of the Baltic basin. The aim of the agreements is to prevent pollution of the sea and to preserve sea life.

The Baltic, a Sea Of Waste     Pollution is a serious problem. It effect everyone every day.

Слайд 27Topics For Discussion
Explain why so much attention is paid to

ecological problems nowadays and why people are getting alarmed and

demand urgent actions to protect nature.
We often hear the words “harmful effects of civilization on nature”. What do they mean? Illustrate the results of harmful and helpful influences of human contacts with nature.
How do scientists, journalists, teachers, public and political leaders draw peoples” attention to the problems of environmental protection?
Explain how and why our attitude towards nature is changing together with the knowledge we are getting.
Speak about the practical steps which are being undertaken environment.
Man”s survival depends upon the way he treats for protecting our his environment. Say in what way this is true.
It is our responsibility to preserve this planet for future generations. Say what must be done to achieve this.
Topics For Discussion Explain why so much attention is paid to ecological problems nowadays and why people

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