Разделы презентаций

Human Body 9 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Theme: Human Body
Monday, the twelfth of November

Theme: Human Body  Monday, the twelfth of November

Слайд 2Welcome to our lesson!

Welcome to our lesson!

Слайд 3Phonetic drill:
[u:] [e] [a:] [ð] [æ]
[e] [ɔ:] [ʌ]

[ju:] [a:] [ʌ] [ai]
[ð] [jɔ:] [əʊ]

[ŋ] [i:] [ei] [a:]

1.Two heads are better than one.
2. Neck or nothing.
3. You cannot touch your eye with your elbow.
Give him a finger and he’ll take the whole arm.

Read and translate these proverbs. What is common in all the proverbs? The parts of body.

Pronounce these sounds and proverbs:

Phonetic drill:[u:] [e] [a:] [ð] [æ] [e] [ɔ:] [ʌ] [θ] [ju:] [a:] [ʌ] [ai] [ð] [jɔ:] [əʊ]

Слайд 4 Check the home task. Give each word a

1. _____________
2. _____________
3. _____________

4. _____________
5. _____________
6. _____________
7. _____________
8. _____________
9. _____________
10. _____________
11. _____________
12. _____________
13. _____________
14. _____________
15. _____________
16. _____________
17. _____________
18. _____________
19. _____________
20 _____________

Check the home task. Give each word a number: 1.  _____________ 2.  _____________

Слайд 5 Reading of the text “Body Parts”

Reading of the text “Body Parts”

Слайд 6 Introduction on the theme “Human Body”

Today we

will get acquainted with the internal organs of

the human body. Look at the mock-up of the internal
organs of the human body.

The artery is a blood vessel that carries blood away from
the heart.
The vein is a blood vessel that carries blood from the
capillaries toward the heart.
The brain controls your thoughts, feelings and movements.
The heart sends blood around your body.
The lungs are used for breathing.
The liver cleans your blood.
The stomach is where food goes after you have eaten it.
The kidney is an organ in the body that produces urine and
separate the urine from the blood.
Introduction on the theme “Human Body”  Today we will get acquainted with the internal organs

Слайд 7 Introduction on the theme “Human Body”

Introduction on the theme “Human Body”

Слайд 8
Presentation of the new words:

artery [ɑ:tərɪ] n. (anat.) арте́рия.

[breɪn] n. (anat.) мозг;
heart [hɑ:t] n. (organ) се́рдце;
liver [lɪvə(r)] n.

(anat.) пе́чень;
lung [lʌŋ] n. лёгкое.
stomach [stʌmək] n. желу́док.
vein [veɪn] n. (anat.) ве́на, жи́ла.
Presentation of the new words:artery [ɑ:tərɪ] n. (anat.) арте́рия.brain [breɪn] n. (anat.) мозг;heart [hɑ:t] n. (organ)

Слайд 9
Consolidation of the lexical material:

brain heart liver

lungs stomach vein

Match the parts of the body in the box with the pictures:

Consolidation of the lexical material:  artery   brain   heart

Слайд 10
Presentation of the idioms with parts of the body.


today we’ll learn idioms with parts of the body.
1. to get something off your chest – облегчить душу,
чистосердечно признаться;
2. to split hairs – спорить по пустякам;
3. to twist somebody’s arm – давить на кого-либо;
4. to be head over heels in love – влюбиться по уши;
5. to put your foot in it – попасть впросак, совершить
бестактный поступок;
6. to pull somebody’s leg – морочить голову
кому-либо, дурачить.

Presentation of the idioms with parts of the body.

Слайд 11
Listening: Dialogues

Listen to the dialogues. Can you guess what

idiom is?

What is the suitable idiom

to the second dialogue?
Some pupils prepare the dialogues.
Can you guess what idiom is?

What is the suitable idiom to the first dialogue?

Listening: DialoguesListen to the dialogues. Can you guess what idiom is?    What is

Слайд 12
Consolidation of the idioms with

parts of the


1. Work in pairs. Write a short dialogue to illustrate meaning of the idioms from the board.
2. Act out your dialogues to the class.
3. Look at the board. Choose the correct words to complete the idioms. (Interactive board)

Consolidation of the idioms with         parts

Слайд 13
Boys and girls, today we have a

guest, a reporter from a famous TV programme “Health”.

He would like you to answer some of his questions about health and health habits.
Speaking:Boys and girls, today we have a guest, a reporter from a famous TV programme

Слайд 14How often do you brush your teeth?
Do you go

to the swimming pool? How often?
How often do you wash

your hands?
Have you ever broken your arm or leg? When was it?
Have you ever been seriously ill?
How often do you visit a dentist?
Do you like to visit doctors?

I am a reporter from a famous TV program “Health”. I would like to answer some questions about your health and health habits.

Thank you very much. Don’t forget to watch our program.

How often do you brush your teeth? Do you go to the swimming pool? How often?How often

Слайд 15Conversation between the patient and the

I see that you don’t like doctors at all. But

sometimes it is necessary to visit them.

Conversation between      the patient and the doctor.I see that you don’t like

Слайд 16 When do people go to the doctor? Right. When they

have some problems with their health. Now have a look

at some people. Say what problems they have and give them some pieces of advice.
When do people go to the doctor? Right. When they have some problems with their

Слайд 17 XIII. Wrap up Evaluation
What have you learned today?

What can you do now?
We can talk about parts of

the human body. We can understand and use idioms with parts of the body.
I'm pleased with your work. Thank you. Your marks…

XIII. Wrap up    Evaluation What have you learned today? What can you do

Слайд 18 XIV. Home task Your home task is ex. 3 p.

30, to learn the new words and the idioms. Good-bye.

XIV. Home task    Your home task is ex.

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