Разделы презентаций

Introduce yourself

What’s your mother’ job?What’ your father’s job?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Introduce yourself

Introduce yourself

Слайд 2What’s your mother’ job?

What’ your father’s job?

What’s your mother’ job?What’ your father’s job?

Слайд 3What would you like to be? Why?

What would you like to be?  Why?

Слайд 4• What’s your hobby?
• What do you like doing in

your free time?

• What’s your hobby?• What do you like doing in your free time?

Слайд 5What’s your name?
What’s your favourite food?

What’s your name?What’s your favourite food?

Слайд 6What don’t you like doing ?
Do you like travelling?

What don’t you like doing ?Do you like travelling?

Слайд 7How old are you?
What’s your favourite sport?

How old are you?What’s your favourite sport?

Слайд 8How many people are there in your family?
Who are


How many people are there  in your family?Who are they?

Слайд 9Where do you go to school?
How do you go to

What’s your favourite subject?

Where do you go to school?How do you go to school?What’s your favourite subject?

Слайд 10Where do you live?

When is your birthday?

Where do you live?When is your birthday?

Слайд 11•What’s your favourite day of the week?

•What’s your favourite day of the week?•Why?

Слайд 12Why do you study English?
What’s your favourite band?

Why do you study English?What’s your favourite band?

Слайд 13
What’s your favourite month?

What’s your favourite month?Why?

Слайд 14What’s your favourite drink?
Where are you from?

What’s your favourite drink?Where are you from?

Слайд 15•What kind of movies do you like?
•How often do you

go to the cinema?

•What kind of movies do you like?•How often do you go to the cinema?

Слайд 16What’s the most beautiful place in your country?
What’s your favourite

Why do you like it?

What’s the most beautiful place in your country?What’s your favourite place?Why do you like it?



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