Sports help people to keep in good health. It is very popular with young people. Any boy or girl who shows good results at sports clubs or in athletics competitions for schoolchildren is given every help to become a champion.
An English proverb says, «In sports and journeys men are known.»
The common stokes used in swimming are: the breast stoke, the butterfly, stroke, the dolphin stroke, being its variety, the back stroke, the front crawl stroke. But we know other strokes such as: competitive swimming, one-style swimming, swimming with legs only, swimming for relaxation, sprint swimming, swimming of duration, medley swim.
The players must stand on opposite sides of the net;
the player who first delivers the ball is called server, and the other the receiver.
Britain was invaded by Rome, and the game-playing Roman soldiers probably brought soccer like games with them and may have introduced them to people living in Britain.
Despite being illegal in Britain until the 18th century, the English created rules for the game in 1863.
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