Разделы презентаций

"Калейдоскоп профессий" презентация для урока

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Вежливый



Вежливый             СильныйДружелюбныйШумныйГлупыйИзвестныйОбщительныйpolitestrongfriendlynoisystupidknownsociable

Слайд 2Professions


Слайд 3What will we do at the lesson?
1) We’ll speak about

people of different professions
2) We’ll learn to tell what professions

people can have and what characteristics they need for them.
3) We’ll speak about your future profession
What will we do at the lesson?1) We’ll speak about people of different professions2) We’ll learn to

Слайд 4a farmer

a farmer

Слайд 5a teacher

a teacher

Слайд 6an engineer

an engineer

Слайд 7a postman

a postman

Слайд 8a fireman

a fireman

Слайд 9a tailor

a tailor

Слайд 10a policeman

a policeman

Слайд 11a doctor

a doctor

Слайд 12a dentist

a dentist

Слайд 13a plumber

a plumber

Слайд 14a driver

a driver

Слайд 15a football player

a football player

Слайд 16a computer programmer

a computer programmer

Слайд 17a singer

a singer

Слайд 18a designer

a designer

Слайд 20a driver

a driver

Слайд 21Match the meanings in Box A with the words in

Box B and you will answer what they do.
 1. Someone

who have sheep, cows to produce meat and milk
 2 . Someone who writes music
 3. A person who cures people when they are ill
 4. Someone who steers a plane
 5. A person who teaches us to solve problems , how to read, to write
 6. A person who loves animals and treat them
7.  A person who brings letters and newspapers.                             

a musician

a farmer

a doctor

a teacher

 a pilot

a postman 

a vet


Match the meanings in Box A with the words in Box B and you will answer what

Слайд 23Example:
I would like to be …
 I am going to


Example: I would like to be … I am going to be…

Слайд 24 I would like to be … because…

would like to be a teacher because I like to

teach children.
  A teacher should be smart, clever and well educated.
I would like to be … because… I would like to be a teacher because I

Слайд 25I feel pleased
I feel tired
I feel happy
I (don't) like the

I (don't) like the way I (we) worked.
Мы проходили:
Мы узнали,

Мы научились:
I feel pleasedI feel tiredI feel happyI (don't) like the lesson.I (don't) like the way I (we)

Слайд 26Homework Professions of my family

Homework  Professions of my family

Слайд 27Good luck!

Good luck!

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