Разделы презентаций

The British Political System 8 класс

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandConstitutional monarchyParliamentary democracy

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The British Political System
Лазарева Ю.И.,
учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №

Тбилисский район, Краснодарский край

The British Political SystemЛазарева Ю.И.,учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ № 6»Тбилисский район, Краснодарский край

Слайд 2The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Constitutional monarchy


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandConstitutional monarchyParliamentary democracy

Слайд 3the British Parliament

the British Parliament

Eizabeth II (since 1952)
the British Parliament
The House of Commons
The House

of Lords
646 MPs elected every 5 years

the bishops,
the aristocracy,
“life peers”

Prime Minister

the leader of the majority party

MONARCHEizabeth II (since 1952)the British ParliamentThe House of CommonsThe House of Lords 646 MPs elected every 5

Elizabeth II (since 1952)
the British Parliament
The House of Commons
The House

of Lords
646 MPs elected every 5 years

the bishops,
the aristocracy,
“life peers”

Prime Minister

the leader of the majority party
Gordon Brown (June 2007)

The Cabinet of Ministers

The Chancellor
Alistair Darling

The Opposition

Shadow Cabinet

David Cameron

Charles Kennedy
about 30 ministers

MONARCHElizabeth II (since 1952)the British ParliamentThe House of CommonsThe House of Lords 646 MPs elected every 5

Elizabeth II (since 1952)
the British Parliament
The House of Commons
The House

of Lords
646 MPs elected every 5 years

the bishops,
the aristocracy,
“life peers”

Prime Minister

the leader of the majority party
Gordon Brown (June 2007)

The Cabinet of Ministers

The Chancellor
Alistair Darling

The Opposition

Shadow Cabinet

David Cameron

Charles Kennedy
about 30 ministers



gives the royal assent

examines and revise bills,
can delay bills for one year

makes laws, discusses political problems

determines, coordinates


MONARCHElizabeth II (since 1952)the British ParliamentThe House of CommonsThe House of Lords 646 MPs elected every 5

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